Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

wrath’s badge system allowed you to buy gear equal to 10 man normal MAYBE a couple peices close to 25 man normal, it did not let you buy 25 man heroic gear.
the only gear it let you “buy” that was strong was teir, you bought the base teir, and then needed to upgrade it using tokens from said raid.

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that is what I would feel like if I participated in that system. In addition, if I was raiding with a guild and most people wanted to get these items as fast as possible, do you not think additional raids would be scheduled each week - raids people would expect others to do?

I like the idea but believe the number of tokens required is backwards. Gating it behind 30 to start and making it easier as you progress to get more caters more to the high end raiders who will have no difficulty clearing and maxing out early on, yet the casual player base who are the ones that can really benefit from a system like this are locked behind a long grind to get that first piece. It should take longer to get your pieces as you continue.
I think Blizzard is still making the same error and building systems based upon the upper 5% and not the more casual based player.
As someone said in and earlier post, the thrill is being able to get that reward, the piece that in your mind will make all the difference, and locking that behind this huge grind wall early doesn’t make it fun. Make it more difficult as you go, so that we can enjoy the benefit of the system early on, and not have to wait weeks if you are one of those who can’t play as much and thus doesn’t have the ability to clear to the limit each week.
Just my thoughts.

I can’t be the only one that isn’t drinking the kool-aid and thinks this is incredibly lazy and wrong. Idk about the rest of the community, but really all were getting here is tougher bosses and affixes in the same, boring content. Whatever happened to getting a REAL patch? Where the new raid came with a new dungeon. Instead we get a lackluster raid and 1, ONE, “new” affix for mythic+, which is a joke. So many areas throughout shadowlands where a new dungeon could have been put, instead, we get places we visit once for a quest we may or may not do. Stop being lazy and do your jobs correctly!

Raid bosses guaranteed to drop 1 piece of loot for everyone in the raid. Obviously, not a good business decision for “player engagement” BUT HOW WOULD YOU FEEL AS A RAIDER?

Would you keep raiding after getting full BIS in a couple runs? If the loot carrot isn’t on the stick, what’s the motivation?

Uhhh what? Why would additional raids be scheduled each week?
There is only 1 raid open each week

I’m assuming that they realized they weren’t in the CC forums and stopped talking.

I am loving this idea. As far as im concerned keep up the good work!

Please apply this idea to m+ as well. Farming X dungeon 20 times for a specific item sucks as well.

maybe I am misunderstanding but doesn’t this mean all shadowlands raids?

They stole a system that WoW used to have and idk why blizzard is so scared to steal it back.

As for the whole only allowed to buy 3 items and that is it well I guess I am not playing an off spec in season 4 and classes that need to dual wield weapons like rogue warrior etc essentially only get one choice.

Another swing and a miss with typical blizzard monkey paw solutions.

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Yes, you misunderstood, because you are cherry-picking what you are reading.
Each week 1 raid will be “Fated” adding affixes and making it the “current” raid.
So one week it will be castle nathria, next week it will be sanctum, week after that sepulchre, repeat.

So you will do only 1 raid each week, however each week that raid will swap.

yeah well that still means a full clear will be expected

For the quest progress, it looks like LFR will also count.

I don’t even raid that so it doesn’t matter much to me. When I was raiding though, I wouldn’t have liked this system because it appears to me to pressure people into playing more than they would normally.

I could be totally misunderstanding but there is way way too much fluff in that blues post for me to figure out what they are describing. Describe the system, then put the commentary in later works better for me.


Because a lot of people would complain about systems and having to do “things I don’t want to do” for optimal gearing, similat to how people say that about Soul Binds, Covenants, and Torghast.

It would be the correct decision to continously do whatever content provided the currency regardless if you enjoy it or not. The goal of this system is to help with raid gearing and people who couldn’t or didn’t get specific pieces that are powerful like Edge and Old Warrior’s Soul.

It also isn’t the only way these items drop. They could just drop from the boss and than it could free up a dinar.

The goal isn’t to make it 100% deterministic. That makes loot boring and unfun and kills the fun of actually seeing cool things drop off a boss.

bruh what? It was literally in the game for like 3 expansions and no one complained. It’s not comparable to any of the things you listed because it doesn’t require you to do some convoluted garbage storymode to unlock. You literally raid/m+ like you do now get a currency and if you got unlucky you buy the item you want later on. It effectively means your time is not completely wasted.

Loot is already boring and unfun as it is so legit nothing changes with bringing the systems that were in the game from wrath to MoP back.

Also with how seasonal the game is now people should be able to reach BiS quickly and not going “whelp I got unlucky after 79 anduin kills with no ring so I can’t be competitive now” and wait for the next season to try again. Also when you got a bunch of people doing loot funnels and paying tons of gold for gear blizzard needs to effectively add ways to alleviate the pay to win.

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Please Unlock mythic raid ilvl(currently 278) upgrade trought the valor system. let us gear up on a content we want to play.

there’s a couple of players that wont play raid and still want to play some high keys, let these ppl gear up farming valor points and gear from dungeons.

Than you have a poor memory. Many players disliked having to engage with content that they trivialized due to gear progression.

Plenty of players that were progressing into Sunwell or Black Temple disliked the fact that the correct answer to getting deterministic power was going back and doing older content.

A lot of people disliked that the most effecient way to get your tier wasn’t to keep killing bosses in the raid, but to collect as much currency.

There are plenty of reasons why we haven’t returned to vendor system.

Still won’t raid. A once a week shtick isn’t worthwhile for me, if it requires “dealing” with others. I need infinite replayability without rewards being set to zero after 1 iteration or I won’t touch it. The timegates have the opposite to the intended effect on me.

Weekly lockouts and weekly lootbox reward systems actively kill content for me. I haven’t cared to do anything SL related for 3 weeks now.

Your devs already killed the last “pillar” of SL for me, m+, by gating 278s behind a gamble lootbox weekly vault. The valor caps and bad vault weeks just pushed me over the edge, the whole system is stinky. I’d still be playing if doing low keys was worthwhile, if doing keys past 15 was worthwhile, and I wasn’t punished for playing more than the set weekly vault quota.

Instead I’ve been playing WoD questing for the past month, as SL is some unspecial feeling timegate that likes to bad mannerism me. I want to focus a dungeon for a specific piece of loot, but nah, GOTTA BE TRAINED ON LIKING LOOTBOXES WITH VAULT. I wanted to play legion m+, BUT NAH HERE’S SOME VALOR CAPS SO HAHA NO FORWARD PROGRESS if you wanna chill with learning dungeons.

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