Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

Feels like…

With Timewalking up atm, it’s easy to understand the nostalgic allure of running Black Temple.

Am I really supposed to be “nostalgic” about running Castle Nathria?? And, am I reading this right… SIXTY more times???

I only want to go back to CN for ONE reason: to be in my i275 gear and UUUUTTTERRRLLLLLYYYYYYY curb-stomp the place. There aren’t words to describe how much I DO NOT want to go back and “progress” on a raid … I PRACTICALLY JUST PROGRESSED ON.

It’s a new idea, and can still be iterated upon. I’ll try and remain optimistic, but this sounds terrible. The entire concept of S4 just sounds like “we need to give players something to do for 6 more months, just throw something together.” And I can’t believe more people aren’t rolling their eyes at all of this.


60 boss kills on any difficulty, there are 10 or 11 bosses in each raid, and each raid is only up for 1 week out of every 3. so you can get all 60 tokens without doing CN at all, but it will take 8 or 9 weeks instead of 6 if you full clear every week.

I might have been exaggerating to prove a point…

Because when you explain it properly, it still sounds awful to me. Again, to reiterate my main point: having to “progress” on a raid I practically just did sounds terrible. ;(

The ONLY thing I want to do in CN is laugh while I run through 1-shotting everything. It’s just too soon, Executus.

edit to add: This all seems Blizzard’s way of saying “it’s this … or nothing for 6+ months.”

To which I say: I’d rather have nothing, because I have NEVER been one of those people to complain about lack of content. I am a collector. For me, there is ALWAYS something to do in this game. Blizz could release NOTHING for a year, I would be busy 7 days a week.


we will really need to see exactly how the affixes work to figure out how much re-progging needs to happen.

The only fights I’m really interested to see how they interact are the later mythic bosses tbh, KT in particular with how picky the downstairs phase is on mythic.

you know the fights, it’s not progression. it’s execution.

You obviously don’t realize how that statement makes it WORSE, not better.


Instead of only having 1 raid to do every week, we now have 3 in a rotation. It has the potential to be cool, but I want to see how it plays out before rendering final judgement.

In theory, it means the last 4 months or so of farm just got a lot more interesting, because you’re not just doing the same raid every week. There are some interesting bosses in the older raids that I wouldn’t mind doing again.

Is there an english version ?


Tell Ion that his esports fetish needs to be curbed.


Every LFR wing is going to be dead if you don’t add incentive to tank or heal.

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They’re already letting you get 3 guaranteed slots of your choice. Get the rest of the gear by playing the game. You really think the gear is what’s stopping you from getting past 6/11 heroic and timing anything above a 15?

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Youre missing the point. Blizz needs people to test in order to gain varied consistent feedback. I think the irony that this even has to be explained to you is a testament to how they’re right for not just shoving this stuff in a ptr.

…Yeah. …Which is why i didn’t say “have nobody test it” in my “dev room” or anywhere in my previous comments, and i’m not going to. Which it’s obvious that i want people to test it.

Speaking of missing the point, did you even read my comments before saying all this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Testing specific things… I don’t know how well you know about debug rooms in video games where they put like a bunch of items in a room for devs to test, but that’s essentially what i was asking in my initial comment. To test and see how the vendors and currency works.

PTR is the test of the entire game before it hits live. I hope you can see the distinct difference of what i’m asking for?..

Your explanation assumes the position that i’ve ever said “Have nobody test”, which i didn’t said. Nor implied.

You’ve said it though… :point_down:

Gosh, you’re pleasant. /s :confused:

That does not allow them to test what they want. Theyre looking to see how all the ways to get loot and gear up interact with each other. Will 3 gear tokens alongside regular raiding be enough so that raiders don’t feel the need to do M+ to fill gaps? And if so how long does it take? An NPC can’t tell you that.

What I want to know is why are you removing AoTC for Sepulcher, with season 4? AoTC is always available until the next full patch.

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How does it not? It allows players test the grind without spending weeks by using the NPC to hit the reset dailies and raids button. The system in question for the reseting is i would imagine the player would complete a raid, go back over to the reset NPC and bam, they get to do it in hours instead of weeks to simulate … well … weeks.

Which one is it Xaethron? I thought you’re against grinding twice?..

And they are still going to achieve that even with my suggestion. You’re acting like this will take away from that…

…Where did i say an NPC will tell you how long does that grind take?..

…Question, why are you even arguing me against this when you’ve implied that you aren’t going to test it?.. Or didn’t even use the PTR you’ve downloaded for some odd reason? :point_down:

bliz is supposed to test stuff on their own instead of using us as their ant farm. Founders promised to never do that. This is pretty much an admission from Ion’s team of wow stewards that they are out of touch.

Bad luck protection really isn’t unless it doesn’t involve any slot machines and doesn’t require much of a grind. Any extra grind just makes the bad luck even more punitive.

Ion’s team is so stingy with loot. They could easily just implement the incredibly popular badge vendors (justice/valor) that gave 3-4 slots of heroic raid gear to people that did 3-4 heroic dungeons per week to grind the currency. It was quick and easy and not punitive at all.

Ion just doesn’t get that the game is about fun and it really isn’t bad if players run out of stuff to do as long as they had a great time and are looking forward to the next content release


I don’t understand why there can’t be shards that drop from LFR to convert LFR items into normal pieces of gear, it would be on par with current timewalking rewards at 2 items per month, but in this case would require far more effort, so why not? especially if this season is based around experimenting and keeping players engaged until Dragonflight.

If this system still exists in Dragonflight, just remove the LFR shards at that point, or introduce them mid-season as a form of catch-up.

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