Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

This is just not an accurate representation of “raid or die” in any conceivable way. It will still take all season for M+ players to reach the point where they can no longer progress their character power because of vault giving higher rewards than the farmable end of dungeon loot. And then regardless how high of gear you reach, there will still always be another key level you can push.

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So you’re cancelling the sub? :smiley:

Raiders will raid and M+'er will M+. What is this edge you’re talking about?


Looking forward to more high-quality patch day threads like this one.


it hurts hc raiders go into mythic more item level gap. mythic raiding will be harder than in df. it hurts m+ players. the couple mythic raiders probably 1000-5000 players from 200’000k or more can enjoy it.
this is pretty bad design. but its ions mindset raid or die. they dont like hc raiders or m+ gamers

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Spotted the asmongold fan :joy:

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you enjoy pugs atm? have you played remix woth summon scrolls and buffs? why not in retail

I do wonder sometime if it is an age thing.

I know for me it is.

In my 30’s and 40s playing, on my previous account, I was all about PvP,Heroics and Raiding.

Now in my 50’s I’m just more laid back in my approach with the whole game.

As long as at the end of expansions in this time period of waiting for actual release, I’ll just use to push my ilvl a little higher and been doing great with flightstones,ectera on that.

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Why don’t you just try to be better so you can fit in the mythic scene. Have you ever thought of that?

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How is that hurting heroic raiders if mythic raiders get slightly better gear?

How does it hurt m+ players if mythic raiders get slightly better gear?

How is Ion’s mindset raid or die when he continuously has pushed non raid gearing.

WoD was the last raid or die expansion. Because you literally could only raid. Or do nothing. Adding m+ and delves goes completely opposite of the “raid or die mindset”


with this change they admit they only support liquid and echo :rofl: they dint care about us


Including the mythic track items you get from M+ vault rewards?


You keep making a lot of really vague accusations, and never explaining how any of them make sense.


Trolls dont use logic, nor do they make things “make sense”.

Just a lonely person trying to start a fire for the sake of attention and stiring the pot.


The feesh r biting

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It’s patch day. This is probably going to be 99% of the threads that get posted in GD today. Might as well revel in the chaos.


You are horde blood elf , everybody wants you dead

My only concern is if we are back to 13 item levels between difficulties/tracks, why do we need an upgrade system in the first place?

I guess for bringing up some lower key gear to higher like valor used to do?

It seems pointless and just an added grind for the most part, similar to the MoP and WoD valor upgrades where every item was just worse until you upgraded it. Just a step change that’s expected for every item.

I dont know what Biden or politics has to do with this. But you arent helping your case.


Going to go out on a very short limb and guess this guy does absolutely 0% of the content at the level he is attempting to comment on, but I think you already knew that

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