Raid loot no longer personal loot?

So I’ve been MIA for a while, so I don’t know exactly when it happened, but wondering what ever happened to the LFR personal loot? What was so wrong with that loot system that made Blizzard go back to need/greed?

Really getting annoyed that I’m trying to gear some toons through LFR and people with 390+ GS are needing everything and winning the rolls.

If you’re going to troll with a comment on the following, please do us all a favor and not comment:
gear through pvp instead, LFR gear sucks anyway, roll better, etc…

I want to know why the loot system reverted back to this terrible system.


What’s the issue here though?

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A question pretty easy answered by a search, especially considering how concerned you are about getting “troll” answers.

How would that 390 getting personal loot you needed be any different?


Whats the actual difference m8.
Only thing is now we see the rolls, it makes 0 actual difference.

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wtf you mean whats the actual difference? when you ran LFR through a 10 boss raid you would most likely get 2 pieces of gear or at least 1 guaranteed. Now you could run through and have bad rolls and get 0… dunce


For anyone who has actually done LFR in this expansion… you’ll quickly see that you get far less loot with this system than we did with PL. MAYBE you’ll get lucky and have good rolls, but it is a huge downer when you do the ENTIRE LFR raid and get nothing.

With PL, I was averaging one piece of loot per wing. Since the change, I’ve seen maybe 1-2 pieces per character… over the entire time LFR has been out. There absolutely IS a difference in how much loot you get with PL vs GL. I don’t know what the chances were with PL, but they were definitely higher than what we see now.

Blizz will probably say “it is a community thing. People shouldn’t be rolling on everything if they don’t need it”, and that is true, but in what universe does that happen in PUGs / LFR?


The difference is that on the available loot, others that don’t need it can still roll on it and win it, just to merch it for 80g. Personal loot, yeah you don’t get loot every boss, and probably 2/8 bosses will give you loot, but its your loot. It’s not loot that you have to roll against others for. You get less loot this way. You can potentially (and I’ve seen others post about this too) roll multiple times and not get anything after doing multiple wings, multiple times. It makes ALL the difference because you effectively have a lower chance of receiving any loot now. Now you’re fighting for people that need everything just because, merch the gear, xmogs, and other classes that also need the gear. How do you not see that difference?


“If you’re going to troll with a comment on the following, please do us all a favor and not comment”

How about. If you’re gonna make a LFR loot post. You don’t, Then go read the other 60 that have been made.

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Thank you. It truly makes a difference, and I agree that Blizzard will shrug it off the same way, but it will continue happening, and people are going to get fed up and not do content this way anymore if it keeps happening. What’s even worse is when you ask if someone will trade you that piece they won as it’s a downgrade, the entire raid group just laughs at you. That’s not the most toxic community ever. :man_facepalming:

Wait, so you’re saying this is an actual issue? Thanks for the post contribution.

Because then I’d be able to get my own personal loot as well and not have to fight with geared people for my own loot? :roll_eyes:


Because its really just not a big deal what so ever. Its litterally bargain bin gear.

To answer the OP’s original question, personal loot went away because too many people in the community abused the system (creative use of game mechanics, not exploting) and gear-funneled to specific players. This usually occurred in non-LFR environments, but can and did happen in LFR environments as well. The revert to group loot occurred to help combat that, and because all during personal loot everyone complained that they wanted group loot back. Now that group loot is back, the opposite is occurring.
The basic explanation is that the systems aren’t any different except you see the rolls happening now.
The more complicated part is, Blizzard didn’t anticipate players abusing the system to fatten their wallet and LFR has become a location where higher tier players often queue in to, rolling need on items they validly have the right to roll on with no concern for those who legit need it for gear. I’m not invalidating anyone’s “right” to roll on gear, but common curtesy for strangers in a video game disappeared around the same point that the queue system became a “I’ll never see this person again” system. Was it better when it was only your server cluster? Only in the comradery aspect, because you couldn’t get away from people easily… the behaviour still existed, and no matter what Blizzard has done, players still find a way to continue it

Transmogs are a valid reason to need on an item.

Don’t try to gate someone else’s loot that they helped work for.

(And by the sounds of it; probably put in more work than you if they’re higher item level.)

Easy to assume that, but I’ve seen mythic geared players just hit the minimum number of buttons to exist on the meters and afk through a fight or intentionally die to an easy mechanic roll on loot… Let’s be honest, same thing happens with lower geared players to. It’s easy to assume higher ilvl means more performance, but it’s not always the case


That’s fair.

And for a huge chunk of the player base, that is the gear we strive for. Casual players don’t want to do organized / guild runs, they just want to jump on and play on their schedule. I’m willing to bet that there are far more “casuals” playing than mythic raiders… probably not the best for the game to drive them away.

A currency based system would be best in all aspects (except for those people who get funneled loot). It would limit artificial loot progression (funneling), reward people for their time, and eliminate the “oh look, ‘ghetto ring of the whale’ dropped for the 1000th time”. It would also mean we don’t need the vault, which is another pain point when people see the same / non-upgrade loot week after week.


On the pther side of that, I’ve seen a huge jump in my LFR drops since the system reverted back. I picked up all 3 weapons i wanted on a single boss. I also wasn’t able to roll need (not that i would have) on items that i already had yesterday, so there is that.

Currency systems don’t often go well with Blizzard, but the Elemental Storms (post-launch) looks like it has a decent handle on a system that works, so having lfr drop a currency instead of loot isn’t a completely terrible idea… though I’d keep the vault on lfr just for added incentive
Though the issue with a currency system is that you’d have to kill a week worth of bosses, at minimum, to afford a basic item… so you’d still be in the situation of getting less than 1 item per week in the grand overall numerical scheme of things. Some players would say this is unfair… but you don’t always get loot on non-lfr raids… there are legit weeks you see nothing

Im pretty sure even world gear scales up higher…
Also what even are you going for doing that even needs gear abive 300ilvl at that point.

I mean, maybe not implying things would be great. I was healing, and he was DPSing (both Shamans). Sadly enough though, he still ended up being very low on the DPS charts (not that it really matters) but since you brought it up… As for my healing, I was clearly not the top (Shaman healing is a completely different topic that I’ll omit from this post) but I didn’t by any means lack with my healing. I was about average overall. :dracthyr_shrug:

I agree with most of your statement - Though I have to say the systems are different. Because as previously stated, with the current system, you fight for loot rolls against others that also need gear, others that roll for xmog, others that roll for merch gold, others that roll for just needing everything. With personal loot, you at least had a decent chance to get a few pieces doing an entire run.

The need / greed system was (or so I thought) based on whether you actually need the gear for an upgrade, or greeding for xmog or any other reasons, in case nobody else needs it for an upgrade. Common courtesy for helping each other upgrade has definitely faded, and the better part of the community seems to be slimming down.