Raid Finder basically useless

Since the new season went live, season 4, it’s been nearly impossible to get invited to normal raids or any dungeons. Waited 3 hours one day and two hours in the days after until this morning. I just flat out got tired of waiting and logged… Literally people just aren’t doing pugs anymore cause they just pay for the service and bam theyre done. The game has become a blatant business model and it won’t be long before you can just pay blizzard $20 and they give you the legendary or crests or a piece of mythic gear I mean what’s the point anymore?

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Run alts through LFR and live the dream of not getting anything because some guy in full mythic keeps rolling 90s.


Yeah, it isn’t an accident that new players are immediately tossed into the paid services chat channel, Blizzard wants the next generation of WoW players to see money as the path to success (unlike the older generations who would see buying carries as something to be embarrassed about).

It’s just the way gaming is going i think, Blizzard isn’t alone on this front :woman_shrugging:


Money to a large degree is the path the success, admidst finding a purpose and meaningful relationships.

I work more than I should so I can pay to not play the game. /dab (bear in mind some people just prefer one type of content and would pay for convience in the other content they want rewards for).

Have you tried:

  1. Starting your own group?
  2. Playing with friends?
  3. Joining a guild?
  4. Obtaining higher item level gear?

He’s literally nowhere near the ilvl to even join a normal raid and he’s playing a class that provides nothing.

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it’s always been useless. i dont know why they keep bringing it back every expansion.

This is not my main, just a linked character that I use to post with

Absolutely, i was one of those people once upon a time.

Back when i was super committed to mount collecting, i’d buy the odd raid drop mount if i didn’t happen to be raiding at the right level during any given tier, like during Firelands, i pre-purchased 10x Pureblood Firehawks for a million gold, then sold the runs back on my home server for 150-200k a pop so that myself and a couple of friends got ours for “free” lol

It was sort of a dirty trade back then, some people didn’t mind that they were buying the mounts from me, others wanted it kept on the down-low, at the opposite end of the spectrum, this one irritating person humped the mailbox in SW on his Pureblood Firehawk with the heroic kill title proudly on display as he mocked the “noobs”, i really disliked him lol

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That’s an incredible hustle.
An easy 1.5-2X return.

And yeah I really dislike people who tout a whollier-than-thou kinda attitude. We got one guy in guild who (most likely) bought a CE run but also asks people ‘well do you have this? I do’ for the fire owl mount.

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must be something you’re doing wrong. I’ve pugged a bunch of keys this week even on my undergeared new lock alt :slight_smile:

The Azerothian dream.:grin:


I mean, the character he is posting on is a level twenty-four Death Knight so I assumed he’s hiding his true character.


raid finder or group finder. You appear to be talking about group finder. Raid finder is LFR and it works great for getting your weekly bullion.

I did lfr the other day just fine. Shouldn’t be a 2/3 hour wait it’s usually 30 minutes or so.

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You’re playing in the morning when everyone is still asleep or on their way to work. Try the afternoon or at night to que.

Absolutely. There are already parts of the world that considers none pay-to-win games to be for losers, and it has been spreading here too. A couple months ago on a train trip i overheard some kid insulting his friend for grinding V-Bucks in Fortnite instead of just outright buying them. And by “kid” i actually mean late-teenager.

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For me it’s usually the afk dps or healer getting three items from one boss. Gotta love it.

Problem I’m seeing with the raid finder is there are just too many groups active right now to have enough tanks and healers to fill as people leave over the course of the run. Sat at Sennarth for like 20 minutes last night. Got him and Kurog down. People left before Diurna and nobody had it in them to try to fill again.

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To be fair, mount collecting isn’t necessarily about what you did to get the mount, just that you have it.

(that said, it would probably garner a bit of eye-rolling from me)

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That’s a fair point. It does look pretty amazing.

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