Raid cinematic is out

The answer is what some of us have been trying to say since we saw the Uther trailer, all those killed by Frostmourne had their soul split in two. Good might not be the answer but it is key parts of what made the Ranger General heroic and what made the Banshee Queen ends justify the means evil.


Like I wrote in the other thread, apparently Sylvanas can be surrounded by billions of examples of subjugation and eternal suffering while her boss forces her to recreate her own abuser in the one person who inexplicably had some hope in her but he just never happened to use her trigger word before now so that’s why she didn’t put 2 and 2 together.


I just want to say I was partially right. I only messed up the “Nothing Lasts” Quote.

Damn it!!!


Lord, Zovaal just looks like a side elite mob in Torghast now. Excellent. The only good thing to come from this is that Sylvia’s gonna get a drubbing from the good guys.

not serving is her entire character motivation…

It’s not terribly shocking though. We been saying literally for 2+ yrs that sylvanas was going to get redeemed :wolf:

I legit feel so bad for Night Elf fans. Character commits a cruel, evil genocide against their race and she’s gonna get totally redeemed.



Not to mention that the first real moment of pause was when the Local Blonde, White, Blue Eyed Twink Apex Of Virtue And Non-Toxic Masculinity™ felt sad.


I would have loved to be given a quest to save Ranger General Sylvanas! there was so much potential! why do this blizz !!

Never has been. Just sit back and enjoy the show at this rate.

That’s the beauty of it! No one knows!!!

Wasn’t leading countless horde to their death in a “pointless war” or burning down a World Tree, that’s for sure.

Oh, and Zovaal giving her back her soul, and allowing Thrall and all them to LIVE when he wants everyone to serve DEATH.

Epic plot armor loot must’ve dropped


oh nono


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its abuot as dumb as rest of wow stupid redemtion plot

or r u only uppset because a wamen is gettyng redemtion plot???

wait til tyrande needs her help to wield elune to kill zovall


She didn’t figure it out when he gave her a Frostmourne-like blade and mind-controlled Anduin… but she figured it out after hearing him say “serve”? It’s a crock of garbage.


I will die by falling off those cubes for sure.

The amount of people who’ve been cockily gloating over this since the end of BfA are being forced to eat crow and they’re not liking it, if Reddit is any indication.

I bet you 10:1 that we’re going to have to stop or even kill Tyrande to save Sylvanas so she can stop the Jailer. I just KNOW it’s going to happen.

because he lied to her, promised that everyone would be free.