cause last time I chacked Im not raiding with a struggling raid team. ?
So all the bads will walk like chads after they clear the raids 10/10 like the bosses became a joke.
Although I’m 10/10 I welcome any reduction of the RNG lucky dip on those final two bosses. It would be good to be able to clear both raids over two nights, for us more casual raiders.
I appreciate the advanced notice for the nerf because my guild was able to focus and push for progression in hopes of beating the challenge of p2 before the nerf. One of our teams 10/10 and the other i am hoping will 9/10 on this upcoming Monday (got kael to 12k hp and wiped. big sadge). I don’t agree with the nerfs before p3, but i believe them giving a heads up like this to give guilds the best opportunity for a final push was a good and respectful call.
Why are people still complaining about the nerfs not coming soon enough? That’s crazy. You are getting nerfs literally next reset and before p3. Blizzard gave a happy medium to both sides of the spectrum in the nerf debate: nerfs are coming before p3 and you were given 4 resets for guilds to plan for a x/10 pre-nerf challenge if they wanted to. Blizzard set both parties up for success. This isn’t about who is better or whatever. its to make the game engaging for multiple play styles. smh yall.
Vashj will still be hard with the MC change. Spores will still kill you really fast in P3 and her health isn’t changing so the dps checks remain in place.
KT on the other hand…
the absolute state of TBCC
so glad I quit it for SoM
should have been a month ago. Last unerfed kills done by most guilds already, does not matter and has not mattered for a while.
Newsflash, vash still won’t be killed by bad guilds.
Many 8/10 aren’t making it outta p2 nevermind a P3 nerf lol.
most of the issue is the roster boss. Holidays are a roster boss buff so good luck.
Absolutely. US Thanksgiving to new years is brutal for the game.
my first guild in classic never really recovered from the US thanksgiving - new years boss and we were in Molten Core which was the easiest raid in the world
What might help is that the worst of the attunements is about to be over.
Not that BT is super fast… but it’s not that awful compared to what we just did in TK and SSC.
I refused to do TK and SSC attunements on second characters. Why they kept them in the game after the first month of prog was a horrible decision imo
BT attunement and Hyjal attunement will end up being worse because it requires people to go back to T5 content. Which no guild will have time for
Maybe true. There’s gotta be some decent items in there no?
I imagine gdkps will still run them or some pugs.
There’s nothing like DST level in T5, if we get the further nerfs I could see there being some more decent pugs
Maybe if they allow us to skip to vashj/kt in P3 it won’t be much of a headache. One can only hope.
Maybe just kill them?
This. This is currently a major concern and will be a huge problem. No other phase in classic or wrath required you to beat the previous phase of content to get in. Guilds will die because it’s depressing to be stuck and hard locked out of the new stuff, regardless of if the tryhards believe they deserve the ability to go there. Everyone pays the same subscription fee and should have the same access to content. Never being able to kill something shouldnt be where the game ends for you. Anyone new to TBCC next phase is just told to piss off and go do the old stuff, no new tier for you. It’s dumb.
I hate that i agree with you, but i do.
Cant beat the current tier, they are the hardest bosses in the entire game. tier 6 will be a meme compared to t5. Just mail everyone the shard from KT and Vash and call it a day. Who honestly cares.
In my best Maury Povich voice
So the test determined that, that was a lie"