That’s what I didn’t get about the design, it makes no sense. Put the stuff needed for attune on bosses harder than the attune you’re going for. It’s goofy design.
Which is exactly the point. If you’re such hot stuff, you’ve already cleared T5 by now, what’s the harm in the nerfs? If you’re apart of a guild that hasn’t cleared it, then every single week that goes by lessens your chances of completing the next raid tier. Eventually, casual guilds that can’t cut it are going to disband, and that is not something that should be acceptable.
Ye. I dont understand the hate for nerf. Acting like you want a challange yet optimise to make it easy.
None is hurt by this other than 9/10 ones, which have been given enough time
Why not? For Blizzard’s bottomline? Guilds disband all the time. You’re not entitled to clear all the content in WoW before difficulty settings. Some guilds probably still won’t be able to clear after full nerfs. Do we nerf it some more? Maybe just remove all the mechanics? Completely ruin the raids for anyone else who wants to do them to cater to the worst players in the game?
People that think BT and Hyjal are as hard as T5 are going to be in for a rude awakening. The only hard fight is Mother(because of shadow resist) and Illidan. Archimonde is a joke. The only thing that will consume time is all of the trash in those instances.
It’s the player’s job to improve within the game (both through gear acquisition and optimization). That’s literally how the game works.
So aside from complaining about the nerfs, does anyone actually know what they are?
Like is Solarian now doing Baron bombs instead of the bouncing debuff? Is Alar only going to 4 platforms, and is divebomb now a spread out mechanic instead of stackin?
Why does everyone NEED to know what to do tonight? Just go in and find out what’s what. I actually like the mystery behind tonight’s run.
I’m with you here. What difference does it actually make whether it’s the MC on Vashj can be CC’d or there’s no MC at all.
Honestly tho there’s a pretty good chance we’ll see what they do in the patch notes when the servers come back up.
I have a feeling there won’t be any patch notes. I feel the only details we get will be info that is gained and shared by players. xD
some stuff i’ve read - alar only does meteor on one person and it does roughly 5k damage.
Solarians wrath of the astromancer is basically a living bomb now where the person targeted has to run out of the raid knocking you up and anyone else around you, KT adds have lower HP and once killed p4 starts immediately. Vashj MC is gone. You are able to skip straight to KT. Morrogrim lurkers have roughly 20k health and die basically instantly to seed/Arcane explosion
The adds have nerfed HP in P1 and P3?
Is this info from after they deployed the patch today? Or was this PTR stuff?
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