Raid Adjustments Discussion

Only for bad players… T5 has been easy.

Bro, the 8/10 guilds aren’t even making it to P3…

They can’t even figure out the orbs nevermind MCing targets


Unrelated story, just found out the new arms war we recruited was trying to be kebab in a bid to get glaives. GM told him to get bent and replaced him in one day… God I love drama.

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While I think KT will be a joke even more than he is now, vashj is probably still going to be tough unless they do hidden changes like halving strider hp on top of it.

Cool story but who asked?


4 pulls in and the hardest part for us is the transition from P3 to 4 with the advisors down which i’d imagine is where most guilds struggle.

Stop using power works shield.

Also make sure your warlocks don’t have the nether protection talent. it caused locks to lose threat when tanking on several fights

there will be nerfs to either the bosses hp by 30% or dmg increase by 30% forgot which raids where nerfed in which direction. so you will be able to kill them much easier then the nerf we are getting now. what we are getting now is part of the p3 nerfs that are to come but earlier

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T5 would’ve been nerfed when T6 came out anyway. The “they can’t get attuned” argument doesn’t hold water.

8/10 guilds are the minority though lol

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the attunements from ssc and tk will most likely go away w/ next phase. and since it will be easier to clear them and raid as a whole people should get attuned w/ in 1-2 weeks. i would imagine though blizzard would want as many players as possible to be attuned for hyjal and BT when the phase launches instead of guilds being stuck

So if it’s nerfed, and they still can’t kill it… nerf it some more? How far do we go to let them “play the game?”

I mean here’s my thought I still say it shouldn’t get nerved until phase 3 I mean don’t get me wrong if facery is coming out on the 14th please do.

Give us phase 3 blizzard give us phase 3

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NO, We are playing the hardest mode, which is much harder than before, now just adjust it to the normal mode, if some people still cannot kill them which mean they are not appropriate for the game rather than nerf time and time again.

2.4 Talents, 2.3+ mana regen, 2.0.10 itemization (buffs) says otherwise

cuz you’re in a garbage guild. I’d be quitting to if i found myself surrounded by monkeys


then play retail where there is a LFR for casuals. Imagine crying because you wipe 30 times on a boss. Try retail mythic where wipes range in the 300-400s easily .


Would be kind of funny if that happens. Can’t wait for the drama of guilds disbanding since hardstuck T5 content when T6 is out lol.

how so? Because I don’t find TBC very engaging? I’m not too sure where i mentioned my guild anywhere here.

My point is that it may not be the lack of progress that is ONLY responsible for guilds dying. If TBC was an engaging game, there would be other things to do.

I guess classic vanilla also wasn’t very engaging, it saw a pretty massive drop in participation as well.

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