Raid Adjustments Discussion

A core part that people don’t seem to understand is this phase is very overtuned. When the nerfs got in, they didn’t nerf the HP of most stuff by 10%-15%, they nerfed it by 60% (strider going from 410k to 170k as an example). That an insane amout, if BT nerf is not that huge, we will see more guild clearing without issue.

Thank you for making a call, thank you for giving us a date and thank you for giving us notice.

KAra is under-tuned, Heroics and T5 are over-tuned

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blz, have you noticed it yet? the more difficult you make the raids, the more players you are going to lose, know your player base please, the majority has a family, a job. games are for leisure, not another job/chore they have to attend to, don’t compare us to those who play a game like a real-life job

this is an amazing post, you go from crying the bosses are too hard to an elitist calling people who cleared content you can’t clear scrubs who got carried :circus_tent:


Overtuned/undertuned is a subjective judgement with no real basis in reality.

I’d say that releasing content with roughly this difficulty and then going back later to nerf it is probably good enough to satisfy almost everyone.

People bragging about downing WoW content as if it’s a feat is hilarious. MMOs cater to the casual market, especially nowadays. WoW was completely casual compared to an MMO like let’s say Everquest or even FF 11 when it came out.

I’d not say the raids are overtuned but the fact you pretty much need an optimal group to tackle most content is a problem for many. Getting 5 shamans is hard, getting the right healers or dps is hard. Not everyone is going to reroll to fit some meta for mix/maxing.

Blizzard should have never made the attunement process include two bosses that are harder than most bosses in the whole game. Else we wouldn’t have this issue.

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That’s why raiding population is literally the same for the past 2 months. No serious raider has quit due to difficulty and is still trying.

Are you going to fix the damn Capernian bug on KT fight?
You wouldn’t have to nerf content if the fights weren’t so damn buggy

Which is why a more meaningful change that isn’t completely tone deaf would be to remove some trash instead of nerfing bosses.

lol? Have to clear all the raids to be “playing the game?”

Well, yes. It’s how Blizzard setup the game by adding attunements and the quest items on Vashj/KT for everyone to see how the story goes.

8/10 guilds have access to 100% of the content available right now, and it would have been nerfed in P3 anyway.

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Its a business. And a horrible business strategy to lock players out of content on patch day.

Plus let’s be real, just because you can MC players vash doesn’t mean all the 8/10 guilds just vanish.

KT will be a joke though.

They have access to it but KT/Vashj are harder than 90% of the bosses in the rest of the phases. Blizzard was dumb and left the attunement items on two hard bosses instead of leaving KT/Vashj as simply optional bosses for more hardcore guilds.

We can get mad about the casuals but they’re the bulk of the player base.


Hi Kaivax! I was curious if there another round of nerfs to be expected when phase 3 releases? Is this a pattern of content difficulty adjustment we should expect to see for future raid in TBCC?

Considering some of the players here who have been demanding nerfs here can hardly even get to Vashj phase 3 I don’t even think these nerfs go far enough in letting them get a free kill

KT and tidewalker will be a joke. Vash will still be tough

No, Vashj will also be a joke.

KT still requires people to handle phoenixes and interrupt fireballs - anyone struggling still on KT isn’t struggling on killing the weapons or advisors. They’re wiping in P4.

Most guilds can down him before vashj because he is consistent and doesn’t require much in the way of quick thinking.

But vashj…lord the guilds who have 16 people taking 3 ticks of poison are still doomed.