Raid Adjustments Discussion

We’ve downed alar multiple times, the log you’re looking at is because we had to pug a tank and he didn’t know the fight. He fell off the ledge twice and we called it til we could get our MT back. We’re 8/10 now and hardstuck because people aren’t coming to raids.

You and every other smug prick in here is. Its your fault that nerfs got pushed back, thus gatekeeping everyone it was intended to help.

You know you aren’t entitled to clear a raid just because you turned up to it. Maybe you should try getting better?


Did you look at my logs? I’m obviously not the problem.

Raiding is a team game and having a proper raid makeup is part of that. I looked at your logs and your raid makeup doesn’t even make sense. Why do you guys have multiple fire mages?

Because there are no other mages/casters in general to recruit. We’re at the point where we get what we can.

Thats awfully ripe coming from a rogue though lol.

So you’re recruiting scraps, with a not ideal raid comp and you think you should still clear end of tier bosses?

I don’t raid on this rogue btw.

Not surprised. Everyone in here who “cleared 10/10 gg ez” doesn’t post on their main.

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Honestly sounds nightmarish, couldn’t imagine trying to do content with rejects who all refuse to try to improve themselves

I post on my main.

Don’t worry, next month you can get your participation trophy.


I mean if you really wanna see here you go.

Absolutely hilarious that people in this game feel a sense of superiority over anyone.

WoW is the epitome of casual. Being mad about content getting nerfed is like being mad at your pillow for being soft.

You want a challenge? WoW PvE ain’t it, chief. There are games that provide that. Aside from the social aspect, this really isn’t one of them.

IDK. I’m ambivalent at this point. As I said earlier: If they want to have early nerfs to compensate for the attunement issue that casual guilds may be facing early in P3, then those nerfs only need to come a couple weeks before the end of the phase.


Yes, this is crazy seeing players flex on others over clearing content in a rereleased game. It’s really sad to see how people need to validate themselves for doing a pixel boss and calling out others in logs.

Who cares? This is a video game, a way to escape from your life a couple times a week, not to be belittled by others who thing they are better than you because they did a thing in a video game.

Let people have fun, which is what games are about. I love my guild and guild mates and we are almost 10/10, but I have no issue with these nerfs. Sure, it will be awesome if we get our kill pre nerf, as we have been progressing great on Vashj, but I won’t shed tears if we can’t.


That’s not enough milking

If its not a challenge then why the nerf?

What exactly will be the changes to Kael’thas? I’ve seen a few different speculations about what it will be. Will the phoenix egg / shock barrier / Kael’thas healths be reduced, or will the changes be just the advisors/weapons having their healths reduced by 10%? Will there be any changes other than health values?

There is the Dec 14 nerfs which will make the fight a simple 10/10 for the remaining guilds
and then there is the P3 nerfs which will make the fight a “lol fresh attuned 70s come for some easy gear”.

Sad news now really is that p3 looks like late Jan or early february release, and that will definitely kill some guilds. Unless Blizzard lets the interns man the fort and they release it on Christmas/new years holiday breaks which would be… interesting.

If it’s not a challenge, then who cares about the nerf

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So you are saying guild management is bad? People only coming to loot pinatas? That’s not the game’s fault but your guild not kicking those people and replacing them in the long run. If you can pug people, why not ask those if they want to join as they seem to want to raid instead of those who actually just “quit”?

I don’t think nerfing the raids are going to suddenly fix your attendance issues.

Bad news. If your guild doesn’t have a strong core, it will face similar problems next phase also. Logistics and trash will continue to be a problem. If you can’t fix it this time around, you won’t next time.