Raid Adjustments Discussion

Pointing out legitimate issues is not whining.

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On top of that, the loot was badly itemized in T5, often worse than Kara gear. I remember a huge thread about how bad T5 loot was. I’m not sure when it got fixed relative to the Vashj/KT changes but guilds didn’t have hte advantage of farming good gear to help with those fights. I also think trash had a 30 minute respawn timer. The original versions of SSC/TK were completely different to what players see today.

Yea, that stupid respawn timer made Lurker trash horrid.
I assume T5 loot and Kara loot both got buffed in the 2.0.10 patch.

Your point is correct if this were the single-player game candy crush. However, WOW is a social game with people; and humans are in general emotional. The desire to beat the end game and the frustration of not being able to are natural. The next course of natural actions is to either get good or quit raiding, to avoid frustration. Those who call for nerf in this thread is more about keeping the guilds and the game alive.

If I were the developer of Candy Crush, I would make 200 more levels, easier than the current level 100 for people to beat. And that’s how we got multiple difficulty raids in the later expansions.

Yes, Just like I said, BLZ used ‘classical’ to naming this version, but actually it’s totally different, it is not original, it is deformed version,they make it hard and modified all beneficial bugs and kept the unreasonable bugs, just try to extent the game time, becasue we clearly how to raid SSC/TK.

It didn’t really feel like feedback was considered; it seemed like overwhelmingly, everyone was saying wait until next phase.

Facts don’t care about your feelings

I disagree. Phase 2 is going to be considerably easier because the striders and naga will have far less up, loosening the dps check significantly. This will allow transitions into phase 3 with far less difficulty. Next, the poison will now have 0 initial damage so realistically you can move from the ground effect with minimal damage. Being able to cc the MC target will trivialize its effect on the fight.

Sure, some people will just stand in green stuff until they die but it will be MUCH, MUCH easier overall.

Dude, why would you post on the forums with someone elses name?

Also, git gud.

Or if anything was being nerfed now, nerf the trash but leave the bosses the same.

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I’m sorry, I thought we were talking about 8/10 guilds vs clearing guilds since this entire thread is about nerfs to the last 2 bosses in each raid zone. My mistake.

It doesn’t matter what region you look at, there are more clearing guilds than 8/10 guilds. This is just to clarify the entire subject of this thread for you since it’s maybe getting a little long.

Honestly though you’re one of the most disingenuous, smug people posting in here. News flash, you’re not smarter than everyone else.

I am however going to stop responding to your … whatever it is you’re doing.

How is a Morogrim, Vashj, and KT nerf going to affect 1-6/10 guilds? :thinking:

…Its not. its for the 50-ish% of guilds that are 7-8/10.

It ain’t hard to specify what you mean rather than making statements comparing 10/10 guilds vs all others.

And the other person needs to explain why we’d look specifically at US servers rather than worldwide.

Imagine being THAT angry that I pointed out how other guilds exist.

Have you considered calming down and taking a nap or something? It would probably be better for your health than angrily projecting your own issues onto anyone who even slightly disagrees with you.

I mean, in the US it’s 1186 to 1208, which isn’t a huge difference.

If you add in the 449 9/10 guilds, now there are more that haven’t cleared than have cleared.

But just like I said in my last post. IDK why we’d only talk about 8/10 guilds, and I don’t know why we’d only talk about the US.

The thread isn’t about a single one of these categories. It’s about the timing of the raid nerfs. I’m pretty sure Blizz didn’t mention anything about 8/10, 9/10, or 10/10… or any of the other X/10 guilds.

Depends which bosses they’re missing and why.

Where are you seeing these other nerfs? The blue post just says, “Persuasion no longer provides crowd control immunity.” That’s it.

You have to do a little digging, but if you look at the old wiki it says that both the the coilfang elite and strider both have 175k hp. Currently the strider has around 415k and the elite has around 275k. Also, the bats have reduced hp and the poison aoe does no up front damage.

This is the neutered version of the encounter. Just add the .com yourself if you want to look at the page.

wowwiki-archive.fandom /wiki/Lady_Vashj_(tactics)

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Sure, but out of 100 if 60 are only allowed to play you see a group of 40 and that’s still a very large population. Might not be the majority but a big part of the pie

Nothing about this version of the game is “authentic”. The second they put the boost and the mount in the game and allowed a billion xfers to benediction that ended.

Let the casuals play the game.


Why don’t you just release P3 on this date???

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Who says they won’t release it on that date?