Raid Adjustments Discussion

I vote leave everything the same until Phase 3, as originally planned. It was a great plan. Stick with it, IMO.

As for the “nerf the trash” people… ha, there is only like 4-5 hours of current content available right now. Remove the trash and it would only be like 1-2 hours worth.

If we’re going to do that, why not just just remove the bosses, too? It could be like the Consortium free gem guy. Everyone just logs on once a week to pick up their random loot bag, then logs off again until next week.

The trash is part of the content. To give your team something to do in between bosses so they’re not blowing through everything in an hour, before being locked out again for another week. It’s a “pacing mechanism.” I know, everyone gets sick of trash, but it’s there for your own good.


As a member of a 10/10 guild, I would say the nerf will not bother our raid because we can clean the TK and SSC without nerfs, and nerf will just make us easier to clean them. HOWEVER, I could see because many small guilds were stuck at 8/10 for a long time, they were destroyed, and the guild members quit the game. Remember, this is a game, not our real life. If players could only get stress from this game, they would leave for sure. If Blizzard does not want to lose players, they need to make players enjoy the gameplay instead of suffering.

Again, nerf does not bother guilds that can already clean the raids, but it does save many small guilds and stop their members from quitting the game.


I would be fine keeping them at their current level until phase 3. Maybe change Vashj MC at the most to lessen RNG. Only change I would make to compensate for high difficulty of bosses is how tier loot is treated. Make the tokens universal if possible so the classes dependent on 4 piece have a better chance of getting geared before the next phase. We are 9/10 (Vashj down), finally working on KT. My fear is bad RNG plus dad guild raid times will put us too far behind.

You should look a little closer at that log. The MC is the one performing the interrupt on another player, not the other way around.

Vashj MCs are immune to interrupts.

You can however taunt, build threat, and curse of tongues.

Too much crying about nerfing the content, legit just do it now please. Let me easily get 10/10 on my alts so I can get more gear.


Duh… /10 character

Maybe if you actually looked in the logs you’d see why those 2 example Inturrupts worked…




See above you

Fix vashj, phase 3 dps check is overtuned for an average Guild that has to also battle roster boss every week. Should of been fixed week 1. Nerf trash hp noone enjoys wasting time on it.

Implement the nerfs. For the average guild they will legit just unsub if they can’t make progress. The boss difficultly is too high for the avg casual guild. we got what 20% of NA guilds clearing it nearly 10 weeks in? thats high.


The sweaty groups had 10 weeks of pre-nerf content. guildes need to down those bosses so they can attempt the next phase of content. Don’t gate keep blizzard.

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Interrupt… her? Vashj? What?

Nerf SSC & TK, let people gear and attune for the next phase.

But don’t do it alone, we need more.

Lower the Heroic Dungeon requirement to Honored, so players can attune & gear alts without the need to grind honored to revered reputation, which woul give people more to do than raid log. And release the other daily quest too.

Finally, get the next phase onto the PTR as soon as possible, and release it before Christmas.

Combine the nerf, alt friendly rep changes, and new dailies to farm with the server transfers and we might actually see an up-tick in active players on a few mega servers, rather than watch everything die slowly.

PS: Consider duel spec, I don’t think it’ll make a huge difference, but a lot of people want it and it’ll give people a reason to play.

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go to retail


Yes, interupt vashj

Stay consistent and apply the nerfs at the start of the next phase like what was done with the first phase.


You will continue to have human resources issues. It’s the true boss of the game.

Don’t worry, it’s fine he was just pretending to not understand anything and look terrible.

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That’s correct, however, I would not dismiss the first reason. When guilds are stuck on progression, they may bleed players and disband. I bet that some players would just quit the game because finding a new community isn’t easy.
AQ and Naxx got that problem. My Indo friend quit for Valorant when there isn’t enough to field 25m. When they disbanded, our casual weekly Kara pug is also gone. There are some people who play for the social aspect. When their groups are no more, it’s hard to keep them in-game.
I don’t like content to be nerfed, but if it’s 3-4 months into a patch, some % nerf wouldn’t be too bad. Right now is too early; Vashj in particular can have her MC adjusted.

raids in retail are hard, and retail isnt all that bad, it has fixed many issues of the classic wow, they just overdid it, went too far, what particularly sucks in retail are that the world is just stupidly bloated after all these expansions, the skill tree system sucks, no more world pvp, garrison is stupid etc, other than these , its pretty good as a game,