People who need nerfed version of SSC right now to feel good themselves need to go to retail, and play LFR.
Imo it should be nerfed when 40-60% of guilds who are 8/10 or higher are 10/10. On bloodsail buccaneers, which is where I am, I can count on one hand the raid teams that are 10/10. My guild just downed kt for the first time this past week and am glad we got to do so pre nerf. We want to kill vashj ONCE pre-nerf just to say we did so and then are completely fine with a nerf to make farm EZ.
What exactly does Vashj cast that you think you’re interrupting?
Nerf these raids. To the ground. End season 2 while you’re at it and release phase 3 between thanksgiving and xmas. Like you did with Naxx last year.
Don’t need to nerf, but do fix the “bugs”. The inability to interact with Vashj MCs does not reward good gameplay and mechanics imo, but instead leads to more randomness vs more skill testing.
This is very different than just lowering boss HP to make content easier.
If we are nerfing content it shouldn’t be until the next raid tier is out.
Adding a few fixes to buggy mechanics would be helpful.
This forums scares me.
Let’s get a nerf on the chicken first please. Not sure if we need to start requiring people to go engi if you aren’t gonna fix it.
All these excuses from those guilds that can’t kill them. We couldn’t kill them either with a fullclear of 8/10 the same time and just ignored loot to progress on one of them until they were dead. Missed out on loot but guess what? You got the kills and you have them on farm, atleast KT, Vashj due to rng still fun but more doable than without progress.
You too can ignore the other raid and go straight up ignore mode and clear one of them in 1h - 1h30 and have the other time for just one boss even on your probably full second raid day. It is always the same - kill boss - mostly on farm after. You are stuck because you choose to be stuck.
Telling people to go to retail is a great way to ensure we get WotLK Classic.
Honestly I’m ok with the nerfs, just give us advanced notice so we can concentrate on clearing the content we wanted to.
The Vashj MC fix seems fine, nobody wants an RNG based fight. They want to be rewarded for playing right, not throwing a dice.
get filtered
We were able to scrape together enough progression time to kill KT for the first time last week. I would’ve been fine if it’d been nerfed
It’s already ez… that’s the meme here.
Raid consume prices are spiking at least on my server because so many guilds are still progging or wiping on content they’re farming.
What’s the point of raiding if the content isn’t engaging? You might as well go play clash of clans and point and click.
To all the “if you were gonna 10/10 you’d have done it by now” folks, we just got her last night after 16 attempts over two nights. I bet a lot of other guilds are just as close.
This is my take on the nerfing current content thing.
Option #1
Nerf Trash – Reduce HP so people have more time on Bosses
Nerf Bosses on P3 as planned.
Option #2
Add “Heroic” Mode with a Pre-Nerf state halfway through the phase with an extra loot drop from bosses.
Add “Normal” Mode with a Post-Nerf state also halfway through the phase with a normal (current) amount of loot drops from bosses.
If you choose Heroic, you can’t change it until next reset & vice-versa
A man can only dream
As someone who is 10/10 currently I can see why some people don’t see the need for the nerf. My alt guild is currently 8/10 and having issue with the attendance boss and some newer people to TBC who haven’t done the raids. I think the nerf will be a good chance for the guilds who haven’t been able to get attuned caught up and hopefully they can raid the new content coming out as well. It wont effect any guilds that are already 10/10 I don’t get why there are so many cry babies that complain about everything. Let it happen so the lower guilds have a chance to get attuned and we don’t lose more classic population because of stupid stuff like this.
What’s the hold up lets get this moving already! I was looking forward to this the week you announced this and now its just on delay city.
I am officer of a 10/10 guild (week 6) giving my two cents… I can understand both sides of the argument because in the first weeks of phase two, my guild was held back by time constraints and roster issues like many others. After we progressed and finally killed KT/Vashj, we quickly realized these encounters are in a great configuration for the parsing crowd and overall very fun in pre-nerf state.
Obviously, some middle ground must be reached between the unfortunate majority of guilds struggling, and the more dedicated guilds who enjoy full clearing each week. When we consider that attunement to both phase three raids requires a KT/Vashj kill, the choice becomes clear. Both SSC and TK need to be nerfed entirely (bosses and trash, full 2.4 nerfs) at least four weeks before the planned released of phase three. I’d imagine four weeks is enough time for the majority of players to get attuned for the upcoming content.
I fear that if Blizzard listens to the warcraftlogs crowd screeching not to touch anything until phase three, then the divide this phase created between struggling guilds and successful guilds will continue to grow. There needs to be the opportunity for some of these guilds to go in and get final boss loot before the phase ends, or they will just be even further behind. The top guilds already have entire raids in full T5 and BiS gear.
Simply give the community ample notice this time and nerf late Nov/early Dec. In my opinion, the backlash from the initial nerf announcements had nothing to do with the nerfs at all. I think in reality most players would welcome the nerfs. The backlash was because you didn’t even give players a weeks notice, highlighting the lack of involvement and communication with the community.