Casuals dont farm either. The majority of it is done by bots and gold buying is rampant throughout all tiers of raiding this expac. Wow tokens is another discussion, but one worth having.
Most of those casual guilds have been struggling for raid attendance whether they are 8/10, 9/10 or 10/10. The same way they were struggling for raid attendance during T4. The issue isnt the difficult of raids, the issue is that there are too many servers and the population is too spread out. Too many people trying to run their own guilds and not willing to separate, because they want to be in control of the loot systems. Blizzard treating Classic like a content filler for retail players between their infamous content droughts is the problem here. Classic should be a smaller community for those that want to play the game and progress in it at their own pace, even if thats not the cutting edge or the current tier. The people asking for the nerfs are a small minority of casuals, as many 8/10s wish to keep progressing on the current tier. I clearly have no evidence of this, but their mentality, of having to be on the current tier instead of progressing at their own rate, seem to be the retail players who are just trying to use tbc as a filler for retail, and that mentality is antithetical to TBC.
If casual guilds dont have the gear before T6 releases, they need to spend more time in T5. The mentality of “oh its not the current tier, we need to leave it behind” is not the mentality that we need to cater to. Its not like retail where the T5 gear is instantly garbage and worthless, a lot of it will remain BIS thru sunwell progress, and many guilds would be able to progress in sunwell with just t5 if they had the chance to. Nevermind that a lot of hyjal/bt will be easier than KT/Vashj. So they will be able to get KT/Vashj post nerf on T6 release, and start in that tier the following week, only a week behind everyone else. In the end, it goes back to my original argument. Not everyone needs to kill every single boss before the expansion ends. They just need to try their best, and get as far as their skill can take them.
The current content is great for casual guilds but I think if there was just a slight nerf on trash this would allow guilds stuck at 8 or 9/10 more time to practise and get through the final few bosses. It has been a really fun xpac.
Also a slight slap of those dang murlocs would be welcome
time or skill? R we really talking about time and skill in a figured-out 15 year old game? If you care so much about time and skill, why don’t you play retail and kill M Sylvannas? Oh, because “there’s no social connection” in retail? Blizzard tried to make WoW into a competitive e-sports. See where they are right now? Oh, right, you are still 8/10. You want to postpone the nerf so you can have a special medal when you finally kill the pre-nerf kael/vashj. I’m sorry man. Reading from your logs, I don’t see 10/10 happen for you guys any time soon. Some random GDKP can do 8/10 on my realm in 3 and a half hour while you guys takes 2 nights. Put away your macho ego and accept the nerf, don’t wait til your guild start to crumble under the pressure of being below mediocre.
I guess you have never been in guild management position before. You think it is as simple as gearing up and keep trying. No, along the way some member will quit the game. With the current state of game, it’s very hard to find proper people to fill those shoes. And guess what, you can only find worse replacement, and your raid group become worse and worse. The new guys are not given the time to grow. After a while, 10/10 will poach from 9/10, 8/10. And 8/10 guild will stuck at a place where they will never have enough strength to kill kael/vashj. Nerf the boss will allow those guild to survive because they can use sub-optimal raiders. It’s a game, not a job. Most people are not gonna enjoy stuck on a boss for more than three weeks. That’s why retail dies. There are too many great games out there. Why would a single person waste their precious offwork time just find more stress?
I do agree that removing trash mobs that won’t pose the slightest threat to a halfway decently organised raid group is a great workaround if people dont want Vashj or KT nerfed, an unintended side effect is that it screws over players whose BIS items drop from trash mobs.
As an 8/10 guild. Nothing needs to change for us. We are close to Kael and would like it to stay this way as we have had people problems rather than actual fight mechanic issues and we have just clicked and got our numbers to the right spot. We dont want your nerfs save them for when p3 comes out.
Your guild needs to die if thats the situation its in. First of all, the servers need to merge so all the players are in the same few places per region, then guilds in your position need to die and have better guilds shored up and new guilds with stronger leadership arise. If your members are suboptimal, what are you doing as a leader to improve them? If nothing or very little is your answer, or you have an excuse or two, thats why your guild deserves to die.
If you absolutely must make these fights easier to save player counts please consider making progressing on these fights easier vs. straight up nerfing the fights. Currently it’s difficult to progress because the trash before KT takes some time to clear and respawns after 2 hours (it can also respawn during a boss pull which is really frustrating). Similarly, the time it takes to get back to vashj and rebuff after a fight is almost twice the time an actual pull takes. Please consider making the runback / rebuff time shorter.
If we were able to rebuff and pull vashj in one minute vs. about 15 minutes that would be a huge game changer.
If you have people that can’t be rez’d and they need to do a full runback + summon it adds quite a bit of time on. I guess 15 minutes is like worse-case scenario where everyone dies on top of vashj’s area. Still, if the runback was much faster it would make the fight more accessible.
I dont want the bosses nerfed either but they undoubtly will to cater to casuals. If they have to be nerfed then it would be nice if the fights were left intact but just made easier to make pulls on.