That illiteracy is flaring up again. I linked one with an interrupt, therefore proving it is possible, if not necessary if you have the dps to just burn her down. Also, what do you have against clowns? Were you touched?
That’s someone that’s MC’d counterspelling someone else in your raid.
If you’re going to nerf it just do it now or wait until next phase. My guild had been lagging behind and have been able to be 10/10 going on 4 weeks now so it is do able as is but I know this is not the same for many guilds that have broken up or are breaking up due to failing to full clear cause of Vashj and KT.
Nerf it or leave it, either way, quit being flakey and just do something. Cause this wishy washy stance you have now is not it.
I think he just needs to skip to the “I was just trolling” part of his show. It’s been sad for a while now. I can only assume full carry.
He’s a ret paladin, it’s only expected
Thats classist. Im clearly not trolling as only lowlifes do such things.
It is incredible that you pretend to be working, you people should be embarrassed to be as greedy and lazy as you are.
See guys?. He was only pretending haha, its comedic genius.
I may have missed the details, but why exactly are people asking for trash nerfs again? Are they asking for less trash or for the trash to do less damage / have less hp?
Why exactly does the trash need to be nerfed? Which raid and which parts of the raid trash need nerfs? I haven’t seen any specifics and the reason why they want the trash nerfed.
Some people make their own schedules and dont have to work 40 or even 30 hours a week to make a living.
Who was pretending? You can interrupt her, my logs prove it.
You don’t understand the fight OR how to use Warcraftlogs.
You’re making Final Roster look kind of ridiculous with you as a representative.
Trash hp nerf IMO. For our guild at least it’s been a matter of raiding hours in the week devoted to prog bosses. A lot of us have RL obligations and can’t do 3 nights a week and fielding a full 25m is rough if you aren’t on one of the megaservers. We were able to get KT on our 2nd or 3rd fully staffed prog night and got VJ to 5k on like our 5th pull on our firat prog night on her so I’m pretty sure we’ll have it before any nerfs come down, but slogging through that trash just eats up time.
speaking for myself it’s just a matter of finite available raiding hours. I doubt anyone is having trouble actually killing the trash, but I bet you we spend more minutes of the night going from A’lar to VR than we do on anything else.
Im not the representative of Final Roster. I am President Kamala Harris’ Press Secratary, but I dont expect you to understand. I just ret pally in my spare time and the opinions stated by this ret are not necessarily shared or endorsed by the guild carrying me.
Sad. Anyway moving on. I’ve given you an hour of purpose, a sad hour but it’s my gift to you.
I see. Thank you for the perspective!
anyword on dates for start of arena season 3?
Dont be sad. Just because your purpose of giving me purpose has come to an end, doesnt mean your life has to be empty right now! You could watch videos of Vashj kills and find out how to kill her yourself one day!
We kill her weekly with zero interrupts. We do interrupt Kaels pyroblast though.
You obviously don’t understand how fights work so I figured I’d let you know…
All you had to do was admit you were wrong but sad people without purpose simply need whatever connection they can get. Get well.