Raid Adjustments Discussion

Glad to hear! Imo, nerf trash so guilds have more time on KT/Vashj each week. Then nerf the bosses 3-4 lockouts before phase 3.


I say nerf it. The try-hards already did the pre-nerfed fights for bragging rights.


I clearly am. If fat jokes are funny, and I told a fat joke, I am funny. Fatso ergo sum. Besides I already explained how to interrupt. Fat and borderline illiterate? Also, leave my self-pleasure habits out of this, if I wanna go till I bleed, thats my right.

They will nerf it. Next patch. No need to rush it for the baddies.


There will still be plenty of 8/10 guilds even after the nerf’s are put in. Most 8/10 guilds will still have the same problems as they do now. Sure some may get over the hump.

Not sure why people are asking for changes that did not exist in vanilla TBC. Not going to happen.


Any news on the transfers?

Exactly. Lady’s nerfs are only to her last phase.

No you didn’t because you aren’t. Your guild is clearly carrying you, gratz to the people there who actually understand how tht fight works and contribute more than D level trolling on the forums.

No they didn’t.

I am what I am. And I’m easy to carry because Im not morbidly obese like some others.


Please share your interrupt strat so these Bads can get good like you.

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Why is there this idea that everyone has to be on the same tier at the same time? Guilds that couldn’t beat the content back in the day were behind both in gear and attunements, and that’s OKAY

Guess what’s going to happen in BT/Hyjal? They’re going to be behind AGAIN, and that’s okay.

There is a false premise that we all should be on the same content at the same time and all should be able to clear it.

The game has been out for 15 years. The strategies are WELL KNOWN. The best compositions have been known. The best gear and consumables have been known. The only thing likely holding your guild back from beating KT/Vashj is either time or skill, neither of which there should be a nerf for at this point.

Nerf the content at the tail end of this phase or the beginning of the next phase.

And to everyone saying that TBCC is hemorrhaging players due to KT/Vashj I think you’ve totally missed the mark. If anything it’s the 10/10 week 1 players that are taking breaks and checking out other content because they have absolutely nothing to do in game. It’s dying servers where players can’t find groups for heroics, attunements, pugs, that are causing them to either transfer or quit.


Remove You can. We dont bother because people want to parse instead, but it clearly can be done if your struggling that hard.

You STUPID decision , you know half NA guilds only do 8/10 but all you STUPID guys have no ideas how to improve TBCC at all. You changed your mind again and again and you totally LOSE yourself. We do need to nerf Lady V and KS ASAP, Blizzardors!!!

You can shield bash a hunter? Wow you’re operating on a whole new level homie.

Yea idk about that one. Our warrior is a special boy. Must be all that CTE. Yet we still dont struggle with Vashj despite our handicaps. Imagine needing a nerf.

So your really going with this huh? The ZERO interrupts in your own logs while you clown yourself here is something to behold.

Just stop.

Nerf Trash and nerf Vashj MC not being CC’able. Its a terrible “mechanic” that feels more like a bug than anything. If kids are too salty about that change, at least nerf the trash. It doesn’t touch boss difficulty at all just lets those guilds that are 8/10 get more time for progression on the actual content of this phase (vashj/KT).


Enough of this clownish nonsense.

You deal with the MCs by using taunts, throwing COT on the casters and having your melee use the weak aura with weapon swap macros.