Raid Adjustments Discussion

Nerf it. If you dont people will keep leaving for New World and other MMOs. We had our fun and the ones that were going to get 10/10 did. The rest wont make it without a nerf at this point they will die to the roster boss and quit.

  • Vashj MCs can be CC’d
  • Remove toxic spore impact damage (so you can’t get RNG’d to instant death)
  • Apply phase 1 KT advisor HP nerf (speed up this stupid phase)

That would be how I would start. That said…

I highly recommend ignoring these forums which are in no way a proper representation of players opinions.


One of the learning pains we had to go through was discovering the distance and threat bug (warlock stood too far when she res’d in p3) as well as bizarre pathing because warlock stood too close to the statue that causes LOS issues. Then the lock has to be decent at preventing him/herself from getting conflagged in p3. All of those learning pains added quite a few minutes to progression for a given night.

Over half of NA is 10/10. Globally it’s more like 70%.

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think he means the guilds that arent 10/10 already. a little hyperbole, but not inaccurate. if youre not 10/10 already i see little hope for you


We dont even bother using that weakaura. And I just told you the counterplay to the MC. MC should not be an issue if you all are doing things right. Not to be a jerk, but you all clearly didnt even know about the interrupt because “arcane torrent didnt work”. That implies that over the past few months SSC has been out, no one in your guild has bothered to either look at videos/strats of successful kills which would have pointed this out to you long ago. The issue, at the risk of being rude, is that you are all unprepared and no one put in the small amount of effort it takes to research the fight.

It is viable counterplay. Yes you may die sometimes. People will die, who cares. I dont get your complaining as you have clearly had her down for longer than we even have. If you were killing her from 9/17 on, even with a guild that does less dps than mine on average for that fight, and doesnt interrupt, I don’t see how you could have a problem with the fight.

its precisely because we’ve been killing her for longer. im tired of her bullcrap.

No. She’s buggy as hell. Actual advice would be “don’t use power word shield on the warlock and don’t spam the staff buff.”

That one is clearly an inexcusable bug that needs to be fixed for sure. It annoyed us for a pull or two.

LOS has been a thing since forever, shouldn’t be a learning curve.

They just have to stand at max range, its really not a difficult job. Your raid should be able to eat one or two conflags as the lock gets positioned, if they are spread and your healers are competant.

I guess, fair enough, but outside of progression, we havent had a single wipe in P3, so I dont see it as an issue.

Im not talking about hiding behind the statue, but just simply standing near the statue in front of it. It looks like you should be in LOS but you are not. It has caused capernian to run out of position for us on a couple of attempts before we realized what may be happening.

You don’t bother using the weak aura and you Interrupt Vashj mc. Tell us more about your advanced strats

It is really disheartening to not only not know what is happening with this potential change, but also to not know when we’ll know.

The options are clear and unlikely to change with more discussion:

  1. Nerf the bosses as originally indicated, giving a number of weeks notice.
  2. Nerf the trash instead of the bosses.
  3. Nerf the attunements.
  4. Bring out or announce the next phase’s content.

The conversation in this thread is going around in circles at this point and letting it run on won’t give any better impression of which option is most favored by the community than what is already available.

Please just poll the community and/or make a decision on this one.


Sure, we also dont bring scrubs who hide behind retail alts and make snarky comments because they cant kill the boss :slight_smile:

Nerfing content was always a bad idea and promotes mediocrity. It feels bad for everyone involved. Beating a nerfed boss for what? items? It promotes playing for brain dead easy loot instead of playing for performance. Nothing wrong with having end bosses be extremely hard, it makes the game challenging.

Also, close the PTR forever, it’s an abomination and ruins the excitement of new content.


Walk the class through this interrupting Vashj MC. These cutting edge strats need to be shared with the world, especially retail alts who can smell horse crap.

Just because your fat doesnt mean your a class unto yourself. Maybe that horse crap you smell is your unwashed body.

A fat joke? About that Interrupting MC thing though. Care to share?

Fat jokes are funny.

Don’t make any changes until the next patch is out. There’s been an abundant of guilds that have successfully killed both encounters mentioned. They’re difficult, yes. Impossible, no.

Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s not accessible. Those who want to clear it, can with the right effort and team.