Why would it, just get good and stop having sand bags in your raid that afk on trash. The problem isn’t the trash the problem is lazy raiders on trash.
It doesn’t matter how well you do trash, removing some means you spend less time on it.
That’s not rocket science.
probably because blizzard is trying to get not-so-good people to see the content with their not-so-good abilities as their business model depends on their continued participation
Please get these nerfs in. With the attrition boss already killing so many, this could help stave off some of that. Plus those of us that are going to need time to get everyone in a successful raid and keyed for Hyjal.
Dude if that was actually possible, I wouldn’t turn down an extra non tier drop from both Vashj and Kael for killing on current difficulty.
You do realize your logic here. We clear TK in 2 hours and SSC in a little over 2 hours. That’s using some skips and being smart with trash damage
Blizzard shouldn’t need to cater to people who are lazy on trash. You can speed up a raid so much by just playing smarter on trash that’s just basic common sense.
There is plenty you can do about it. Have your tanks taunt the targets. Have your interrupts stop their casts. Have your dispellers dispel any hots/buffs that get thru to vashj. Its not difficult.
Not all. The Undying and The Immortal. Were no longer obtainable half way through WotLK
(I don’t think this needs a new title for it tho. Plenty of guilds killed these bosses at various states of nerf in actual TBC and there was no distinction between them)
What confuses you about this? If there’s less trash it takes less time to do.
And while it’s great that you might be one shotting everything for guilds that aren’t that time directly equals more attempts on bosses.
Just nerf it next reset.
Lady Vash’j is a poorly designed fight overall and so is Capernian on the Kael’thas fight. My raid consistently has to use a majority of their consumes and time on those two fights because of bad game design despite the fact that we’ve had it on farm for over a month now.
Just put the nerfs in. If teams were going to kill it without nerfs, they would’ve done so by now. Why would anyone who is already 10/10 care if it is nerfed, and those who aren’t 10/10 should want to see the content. Nerf the trash, nerf the bosses, nerf it all. Why not let everybody start killing all the bosses with some difficulty changes. In my opinion “it’s nerf or nothing” and nothing ain’t cutting it.
For someone telling people to “get gud” you sure have some slow clear times bud. Maybe you should spent less time telling people to “raid efficiently” on the forums and preach to your own guild.
Not even trolling, how is Cap hard? Literally have the entire raid stand at max range, have a warlock tank her, win.
taunt only lasts a few seconds.
cannot interrupt them. at least i couldnt silence them with arcane torrent.
its just a dogwater mechanic and easily the most disappointing thing ive experienced raiding in tbcc when it was originally labeled as one of the “legendary boss fights”
stop defending bad mechanics.
The original t5 content nerfs were introduced 5 months into TBC starting with patch 2.1.0. Kael’s advisor/weapons nerf came 11 months after TBC release in patch 2.3.0.
What’s so hard about following this timeline? Were at the 5 month mark so the nerfs make sense to me. An awful lot of hand wringing over 15 year old content and it’s difficulty rating.
It lasts plenty long enough when combined with the interupts, and dps taunts. Your ret can range taunt them, your dps warrior can taunt. MCs really shouldn’t be an issue if you are handling them correctly.
You can interupt them. Earthshocks work well. Arcane torrent isnt an interrupt, its a silence and interacts differently.
The only truly questionable mechanic on Vashj is the root + poison which kills you in ~2 seconds, but thats even avoidable through use of root breaks (freedom, bubble, alchemy)
Nerf until p3 or close to p3 is fine but you should know that it will be harder and harder for laid back or casual guilds who cannot do 10/10 to make progress on new content because lack of some key items from those 2 bosses or lack of raiding time. Then the same ask will happen again before P4/P5.
i think one way is to increase the drop rate of old content gear when it’s close to next phase release. Laid back guilds can catch up and get gear quickly from old contents in a months or 2. Once the new content is released, at least they can have a fair chance and enough time to push some new content without spending too much time on farming old contents.
Don’t nerf the content. Fix the game like you should have done before you released it. If you can’t beat the content, you don’t deserve to. If you can’t get attuned, you don’t deserve to raid.
There’s plenty of counterplay to the root+poison wombo in p3. The same cant really be said about the mc. The entire reason why you dont see people complaining about kaels mc is theres counterplay to it.
it really doesnt. the problem is when a melee gets mc’d. our enh shaman got mc’d once and i taunted him and almost got 1 shot by him. dps taunts is not viable counterplay
When the best solution to the mc on vashj is to have your melee run a weakaura that auto unequips their weapons when vashjs mc is off cooldown, the problem isnt with the players.
The 6 guilds that will get to 10/10 thanks you. What a waste of time.