Currently only 83 Grobbulus guilds who have killed Kael’Thas (total for Horde and Alliance).
Currently only 70 Grobbulus guilds who have killed Vashj (total for Horde and Alliance).
No nerf until mid-PTR
Its damn funny when you see everyone like don’t nerf it…WAAAAAAAAAA
Yet its been done already
TBH I wish it was harder. The hardest part of clearing kael initially was the random threat drops for no reason.
With our vast experience on Kael’thas on this phase (0 kills), I wonder if you have ever killed him before even after 2.1 patch in OG TBC.
I’m actually not, but thank you. You bring nothing of value to the discussion, and should feel bad about your behavior.
I feel bad for people that gets hurt by reading facts on forums.
I am bringing good points to the discussion, while you are here just to check other’s behaviors. So judgmental…
You’re just telling people to get good, and stop sucking. That isn’t useful to anyone. What’s the point? Cya around guy, hopefully not though
Because an alt is posting they quit because they were bad and begging for nerfs.
While another poster mentioned their struggles and I gave a totally different response.
Stop being a mini-mod because that’s cringe AF. Do yourself a favor: put me on ignore.
It is easier to close an eye and live in the headcanon.
Is it more helpful to tell them they’re good at the game and give them loot just for showing up? No wonder our society is in constant decline.
look at all the sweats, WhO aSkEd FoR tHiS? the majority of players who can’t clear it and would like to finish the game. We’re not asking for a cake walk, just so non min max guilds can beat it with a not perfect raid comp
Pretty sure it’s completely the opposite. But other than that one point of contention, I agree with what you’re saying
Well when you put words in my mouth that I never said I guess it’s easy to win any argument, solid work
The 1950’s and 1960’s would tell you otherwise.
“Please hedge your arguments in a way that makes me look not as stupid”
Nah I’m good.
I literally told some guy he shouldn’t just tell people they suck and to git good. And you interpret that as
Alright enough forums for the day, this place is an absolute wasteland.
Not if you look globally
Bye dummy
Thanks for the advice - we’re going to be implementing pretty much all of these things this week on vashj. We have phases 1 and 2 down and just need a few more reps on phase 3. Will hopefully kill her this lockout.
Genuinely wondering (not trolling here) - what’s wrong with nerfs to t5 raids being implemented when phase 3 launches? That’s how it was handled for t4 raids. You’ll be able to clear the content at that point on an easier difficulty and it gives the guilds that want to progress on this version of vashj and kael more time to do so.