Raid Adjustments Discussion

Well, based on what you believe to be good game design, I am glad you are not in charge of any games.

Where is the incentive for anyone to take raiding seriously when the content is easy? People line up out the door to raid TK/SSC but when it comes to clearing Mag/Gruuls it’s crickets. Keep in mind DST is still one of the best trinkets in the game currently.

It certainly wouldn’t be one you’d play :wink: I prefer the wrath model.

You think these changes are gonna make it easy? Wow… You really have no basis in reality…

Not sure why you think this nerf will immediately make everyone 10/10.

I’m pretty sure plently of people will still struggle with the bosses despite the nerfs, because it’s a fight still.

Also Gruul/Mags? You mean last phases content that people don’t need things from anymore? Oh wow… imagine that. People are wanting to do the current teir more than they want to do last tier raids.

What a surprise. :roll_eyes:

It still has bis loot, for nearly every class.

Because nerfing advisor/weapon health by 10% is massive. Allowing you to CC the mind controls in P3 Vashj is also massive. These aren’t “minor” nerfs.

The only numbers we have for this say the oppositte. You have no real proof this is true.

What? The first 8 bosses in T6 just roll over. There’s more loot there than Vashj and KT have. Not to mention T6 was originally released nearly at the same time as T5. I barely had any T5 going into T6. You got the attunement and moved on from farming T5 relatively quick then.

How about instead of doing both raids you just do TK one week and actually try and kill KT?

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So after this week, nerfs are coming. I hope we can down her.

So many egos relating 10/10 vs 8/10 or even parsing to individual skill.

I was in a sweaty neckbeard consume spam guild in vanilla and got 99 every boss if not 100 and I wasn’t special or anything.

Same player in a casual tbc raid that can barely fill 25ppl and I’m 8/10 with only orange parses. Not cause I had a stroke, cause people quit the game and recruiting is challenging. That’s 2 guilds that imploded on me cause they would rather play new world than wipe on lady vaj. If your guild is sweaty or is good enough to crush parses and 10/10 that’s awesome! Hopefully you get a title or something to make you feel accomplished and us “bad players” can have gear :smiley:


That’s not true at all, if the content was easy to clear you’d have 0 player retention. Following your logic, they should make the raids as easy as possible, because that’s how you get people to play your game right?

Classic wow raids were easy, there was always players on our server doing the content. Now our server is dying because guilds can’t retain players due to the difficulty. Bring the nerfs.

My guild has been 10/10 for a couple weeks btw :slight_smile:

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Your server is dying because of mismanaged transfers, not because the content is difficult.


Killing pre-nerf Vashj and KT is cool and all. But not dying to RNG Mind-control mechanics 6 wipes in a row sounds pretty fun to me.

What did I prove that others’ could not do when a warrior/rogue two shots me when I am healing the raid?

What did I prove when that didn’t happen? I was lucky?

NO! Wait for Phase 3.


No nerfs. Ever imo.
Let the 8/10ers be forever 8/10ers.

No one is entitled to clear content. o7


My guild also raided 2 nights a week (10/10 clears in one night now) We started off 8/10 and worked on KT until we got him then vashj until we got her. The nerfs are pretty garbage, some of us actually enjoy a challenging game. This idea of participation trophies and making games so easy anyone can beat them takes away from people that enjoy a challenge.

We’re not a hardcore guild, we just plan well and everyone shows up with game faces on and a desire to succeed. If things get hard you grow as a person to defeat them. If you just make things easier you never grow as a human.


It has only been 2 months. If you use what is available to mitigate RNG on Vashj, she’s fine too.

It’s really sad that people are just quitting after not clearing the tier in 2 months. Pathetic is the word I want to use, honestly. Raid tiers are supposed to take weeks or months to clear.

TBC was my favorite expansion despite never clearing the raids after T4. TBC had content that not everyone could do, and that was fine.


For those that say IFpro number does not reduce much. I would like to challenge that. I believe phase 2 removed phase 1 atttunements leading to a surge of alt/PUG raidings.

We have more raids to play, we still do old raid for good end boss level 125 drops. And we also have an influx of alt/PUG Mag/Gru/Kara because of lower difficulty. It is reasonable to believe that the number is inflated with the release of P2 and nerfs of P1.

Unless the data can determine alt-main on all characters to reduce to a number of unique active players. That data may not show the true state of the game. AT best we can say that the game is still enjoyable that people are doing more raids. But it doesn’t refute the idea that the game is bleeding people.

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Make the nerfs live please.

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You say that, but nearly half the resto shaman “BIS” drops are all off Vashj and KT. A major focus of good gear is on the last two bosses.

No nerfs… Ever. :rofl: