There are some who aren’t sure about how fast people will reach lv.60 and others get world-firsts. I believe that Ragnaros will be downed in the first week, as much as I believe that Sunday is the first day of the week. Here’s why:
Many people including Joana himself will beat his old record. Not only has Joana improved his guide/route multiple times since then, there have been many other new routes created and countless hours spent practicing. Anyone claiming that the entire Classic community has been stagnant in the last 10+ years has no knowledge of the meta and the advances made in it.
Speed levelers practicing now are obviously taking into account private server differences when planning their routes. One shouldn’t assume that they foolishly think private servers are 100% perfect. Most of them don’t practice on large servers, but have their own personal testing realms where they can tweak and experiment with different variables, to account for all possibilities.
Let’s play devil’s advocate and pretend that no-one will be able to beat Joana’s time, but instead will be able to match it. 4 days and 20 hours is 116 hours. Divide that across a week and you get 16.5 hours a day. That would leave a hardcore speed-leveler with 7.5 hours a day for food and sleep… which isn’t going to be realistic. Speed-levelers will have less downtime than that. Heck, any working adult on this forum has had weeks where they’ve averaged 3 hours of sleep a night (like myself last week ). You can bet that a speed-leveler will be able to match that.
To keep the math simple, let’s say we take that 116 hours and factor instead 3.5 hours a night of food/sleep. That means that a Joana-pace leveler will reach lv.60 by the end of the 6th day of calendar time (with around 27 hours left until the week mark). Of course, this is all being incredibly pessimistic and assuming that no-one will be able to beat a decade-old record. Realistically, I expect to see many speed-levelers hitting lv.60 at the beginning of the 6th day.
If players hit lv.60 in 5-6 calendar days (6 being worst-case, 5 being what I expect), then Ragnaros will easily go down within 24 hours. Molten Core is easy. Very easy. It isn’t challenging in terms of gear requirements nor skill. 24 hours is more than enough time for those players to acquire the necessary consumables and bare minimum amount of gear, especially when they already planned what to get. The only tedious part will be the Hydraxian Waterlord reputation. However, no-one is going to be farming that reputation solo. Hardcore guilds will have a dedicated group of people starting that grind from maybe lv.55 and they will get that finished while the rest get consumes/gear. People will then down Molten Core shortly after. There will probably be a fair number of guilds prioritizing world-first Onyxia, and I’d imagine that they’d have Onyxia down before Molten Core.
Now, I am super interested in seeing everything play out. The first week will be an enjoyable and hectic time for speed-levelers, hardcore guilds aiming for world firsts, casual players, and onlookers alike. If you’re interested in the new strategies and routes that will be employed, then you’re best bet is to join a hardcore guild, because they will be locked down to get a leg up on the competition. People have put in serious time, such as one guy on a recent Countdown to Classic interview who claims 700 days of /played time on his Shamans with a large chunk dedicated to leveling. If you’re not looking to be world/server first, but would still want to level somewhat efficiently, then check out Joana’s guide (Horde, & soon to be Alliance) or Alenya and Umbra’s guide (Alliance) and you’ll be faster than 90% of players.