Ragnaros Teleporting to Firelands Entrance

This is what I did to fix the issue:

After the Nefarian fight, Hearthstone then immediately teleport back to the dungeon via the minimap icon. It seems that some players (suspected classes that have pets or guardians) get placed into combat during the Cho’gall fight and never exit combat—causing the Ragnaros teleporting/warping bug.

During the bugged Raganaros, after doing the Hearthstone/teleport trick, he no longer warped me continuously, but some members were still getting warped. Might be worth testing.

Tried it, didn’t work.

I Wish a blue would address this. its getting annoying. I keep trying again after a day or so, but same results, mid fight i get teleported, and if by some chance i die i get teleported as well to the Firelands entrance.

Blizzard is too busy silencing players in game to fix this.

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Happened to me multiple times on my Rogue, spent a couple thousand repairing through all the wipes, and when the group finally gets the Raid figured out, I don’t get credit because I get teleported out just prior to the end of the fight. Rage quit, put in a ticket, now if they don’t make this right for me I am done with Blizz.

I just got the achievement and learned the mount, but it isn’t showing up in my Mount Journal. Blizzard needs to stop silencing people and start fixing their bugs if they want people to preorder the next expansion.

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It’s in your mail.

Yes I know, and I already “right clicked” it to learn it.

Where should I look next if it isn’t in my mount journal?

Also encountering this, and didn’t get credit!

Adding myself to victim of this bug. All that’s needed is Ragnaros and this gets in the way.

Edit: Managed to do it a second time around. I noticed many of those that are complaining are Outlaw Rogues. If you’re using any ability that teleports you around (like killing spree), I suggest NOT using it.

I had this happen to me in 2 different raids. Also, when we finally killed him I didn’t get any loot. Only got loot from 1 of the 3 raids.

Did you finish it when you didn’t use killing spree?

Yes. Yes, I did.

I am having this issue as well. I tried the teleport out thing, but still happened on my rogue. As this point i was going to try an alt to see if i had the same results. Its happened at least 4 times (4 different groups) now on my main rogue. I opened a ticket ingame and submitted an ingame bug report

Just wanted to chime in as an Outlaw Rogue, After 3 times getting teleported to the Firelands entrance, I ran without using Killing Spree and I finally was allowed to beat Rag to get the achievement.

However! I did -not- get the option to loot the chest at the end, that continued to lock me out of any rewards.


I will give this a go with out killing spree and see how things go. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Happened to me. not getting any credit for ragnaros kill due to this bug. Very frustrating.

Same, I keep getting teleported to the 10man firelands instance.

The response i got from Blizzard is this is a known issue with Combat rogues and they are working on it. Something to do with Grapple and Killing spree i believe. They suggested trying another spec, or I just did it with another toon after to much frustration my self.

Fear not, my fellow rogues, I have a solution. After reading comments on WoWhead and here, I can confirm this can be completed on a rogue as long as you are in Assassination or Sub spec, or you are dead from the beginning of the fight before Rag does Splitting Blow. It took me 3 tries but I was able to complete it after I switched specs from Outlaw to Assassination.