Ragnaros (server)

I always invite people from every server, however, Ragnaros has a bad rep in NA for a lot of the toxic players it’s produced in the past.

Maybe they’re just reciprocating the toxicity :man_shrugging:t2:

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

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For expletive sake did you get the memo most liberals stop useing that word

Someones got to end the cycle

I can count the number of good experiences I’ve had with players from Ragnaros on one hand, out of the 100+ times I’ve grouped with them.

If it was racism then I’d have a real problem with that, but

as you can see, behaviour is a real problem.

Language shouldn’t be a big issue as most people don’t talk in dungeons. I don’t know if it’s a different gaming culture or what, but the behavioural problems associated with this server are hard to ignore.


Perhaps. I’m just giving a point as to why they’re declined, like I said, I don’t server judge. If you’re cool and do damage, heal, or tank, then by all means you’re welcome in my group.

Well, I’d prefer to end that cycel outside of a game like WoW and then that’ll impact any game. because this is a social issue in my opinion from both sides, yes, there’s some technical variants like the language barrier or connection but the treatment between players comes from their social skills.


99% of the “No Rag/Ragnaros/R4gn4r0s” listings I see are made by players from Quel’Thalas or Azralon. :sweat_smile:


Nothing to do with race, they’re just bad at the game

that’s why I mean about rag and latin players hate rag players :sweat_smile: , even players from rag use that kind of tag…it’s a matter of reputation and a lot of good players just transfer.

I don’t transfer because I’ve like 53 alts and it’s kind of expensive.

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I always wondered if these nonsense terms include Romanians.

LMAO, MLK would have included latin americans in the movement because they’re bad at a video game so people don’t want to play with them?
Lad, there are a lot more important things in life than games.

I think if you identify as Latinx than that is what you are

Because they’re generally awful. It’s super consistent with trolling, inflammatory remarks and overall trash behavior. It’s become so consistent that it’s just easier to avoid them.

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I can thing of no stronger confirmation that the word doesn’t mean anything.


I mean you’re being pretty toxic towards a whole group of people because of a couple of bad interactions?

It just seems so uncalled for. America needs to do better.

weird troll shoo

It’s kind of like players from Illidan, Tich, and Mal’ghanis. Those servers have a bad rep too and I do think twice before listing w any of those servers as lead.