Rage pullers, have you considered stress balls?

My pets taunt was OFF, friend.
THAT is how bad these tanks are.
AGAIN…i play ALL THREE ROLES…I KNOW when a tank is doing his job or not
now go bug someone else.

you are seriously the reason why this forum needs an ignore feature.
i can use threat mute instead.
You argue with yourself.
As I said…these tanks suck so hard they cant keep threat…then cry when they lose it.
Thread off

Pets have zero increased threat generation other than taunt.

Tanks passively generate 4x threat compared to everyone else. As of 8.3, that is further increased by 50% after unlocking your Major essence slot. Which means a tank with any essence generates 7.5x his dps as a threat.

Your pet would need to outdps the tank by 7.5x to have pulled without taunt.

The literal best BM hunter in the world’s pet does roughly 38k dps. Which means if you were him, and you aren’t, the tank would have had to be doing below 5k dps and never pressing taunt.

So, which part of what you said was a lie? I’m going to go with “all of it”.

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I just pour another shot.

Says the guy making multiple replies to one post from me.

Yeah but the people doing it are chimping out and won’t stop to consider whether it’s a good idea or not.

either way you look at it. jokes on them cause nobody will tolerate people with that sort of attitude. idc how good you are if a person in my group has that attitude easy bench/kick. just creates drama and thus we lose more good players instead of just the 1.

Honestly, tanking is dead to me now, mainly because of rage pullers and people who pull ahead of the tank in general. They do it because they think pulling for the tank it isn’t a big deal and it makes the run go faster. Most of the time i just simply leave, and other times I’ll just pull more and then leave and let them wipe. You may think that’s a dick move, but it really isn’t. You wanna waste my time with bs? Then you can continue the run with no tank since you like to pull so damn much.

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You’re right. It isn’t. You’re punishing them the same way the game should have for refusing to know and respect their role. DPS who pull deserve to hit zero HP and die. If the healer wants to bail them out, that’s whatever. But they shouldn’t be able to just get away with that without fear of death. That’s bad game design, and I can’t blame the tank for getting mad when it’s making dungeons unpleasant for them.

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Was he a mechagnome? Some of them didn’t get a choice for hands and got stuck with clamps.

That’s not exactly true. While Kill Command and other pet-based attacks are directed from the Hunter, the threat it does is attributed to the pet. If you have a weak tank that is holding tenuous threat in the first place, a BM hunter’s pet can spike threat via damage without growling, and rip a mob off a weak tank.

But why care anyway? Hunter pets are expendable. Let it tank a trash mob for a while and die. That’s less damage the tank is taking.

That may be good for you, but it tends to piss off tanks, especially ones that chain pull. Hell i saw a tank get kicked from a dungeon once because he “couldn’t hold threat” only for the hunter to say “My pet holds threat far better than him”

There are either good chain-pulling tanks that get some kind of aggro on the things they pull, and then there are terrible ones that rely on nothing more than body heat to grab more things. There is no in between. If they can’t hold it, then they shouldn’t be pulling it.

I have passive healing. If the healing and shields that I throw off by just existing is enough to make half of what the tank pulled turn around and stare at me, that’s a tank that needs a boot to the backside. I will gladly hide behind the hunter’s pet in that case.

Yep, this right here.
On necrotic weeks with mobs that can’t be kited(since my pot ison CD), I’llhave the hunter taunt themob with his pet.
Pet dies, and the mob comes to me afterwards since im next highest on agro.

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Yes! This guy gets it!

Necrotic is the worst. If a hunter pet can soak 10-15 stacks of it, that’s wonderful. I love that. My tanks love that. Great use of a pet taunt.

One of themobs I can think off are the uh…golden warrior ones in Kings rest before the first boss. The ones who put up a shield.

or the minibosses after.

It helps.

Cats are gross though. They’ll eat you when you die.

Hug a dog instead!

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I do not understand tanks that are so wrapped up in their own ego that they have to have all the mobs all the time.

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May not hve any idea on how threat works I guess

Why not just have the hunter use misdirection on you? Skip the middle step.

Cast misdirection, start dpsing and you get all the hunters aggro.

Because of Necrotic. It’s a stacking debuff that does damage and reduces healing. You want as few stacks as possible, so having a hunter pet take a trash mob and eat some of those stacks is very helpful. Especially on big pulls where it can spike up to 25-40+ stacks in seconds.

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