Rage pullers, have you considered stress balls?

You all realize that kicking you isn’t personal right? You were doing less DPS than the holy priest. You got hit by a tentacle four times in a row. You went afk without telling anyone and we’ve spent a collective hour waiting for you.

Why rage pull? It only serves to reinforce that you’re bad and no one should group with you.

Stop the rage. Pet a cat. Get a stress ball. Do some yoga.


I always assume that a bad person will react badly, and time the votekick accordingly.


My favorite is when the rage puller dies, and then the mobs reset.


Rage pulling can be fun.


I laugh so hard when this happens.

That depends. I was kicked while on my UHDK because a DH accused me of dropping incinerate on the raid, (was the other DK next to me.).

So I pulled wrathion to them and hearthstoned out.

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I hate having to kick, but sometimes you have to teach them some manners lol

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I was kicked for my transmogs about two years ago, lol.
Then I was kicked for refusing to hand over my gear drop to the tank…in a random 5 man no less lol :crazy_face:

sometimes I’ll be healing and the tank is out of control, but I dont want to bail on 3 decent players so Im literally sitting here begging them to kick me so I dont have to feel guilty. :joy:

Sometimes it is.

I got kicked out of a raid last week because the other tank lost threat to me.

I told him to spam taunt while he had aggro to increase his threat generation, but he ignored me. Looked at Details and he just pressed all of his buttons half as many times as I did.

Best guess is he was envious that I have hands instead of the flippers he’s got.


This happens way too often. I don’t understand how other tanks have such a hard time holding agro.


youve got to love that.
Tanks is literally doing NOTHING to actively keep threat, then your hunter pet gets it and the moron starts screaming like a spanked 4 year old about your pet taunt :joy:

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BUT rage pullling is still not the answer. Just because 1 idiot tank rages does that mean X other people should suffer?

The fact that you think there is anything that can be done about a hard taunt means you don’t know what you’re talking about and it was your fault.

Taunt just TAKES threat. It doesn’t matter what the other person was doing.

Yes it does.

The rage fuels you.

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Remove LFG and problem solved. Baddies wont get to do dungeons or raids till they straighten out.

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Not leaving the raid when idiot raid leader starts kicking better players out of envy is tacit approval of his having done it.

puhlease…I know when a tank is TRYING to keep threat, friend…I run all three roles.
These jokers think we’re still in Legion content and they can keep threat with a loud fart at the dungeon entrance.
Try harder


Thats just goofy.
why ruin the game for the rest of us because one player here and there is a turd?
Why not give up all cars in the world because a few people drink and drive?

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There is literally nothing a tank can do about pet taunt except taunt back.

Pet taunt has the same power as Player taunt.

And if they used taunt to increase their threat generation and THEN your pet taunts, they can’t taunt for 8 seconds.

Turn off pet taunt.

Belay that. Delete pet taunt. There is no reason for it. You can use misdirect and feign death. Managing your threat should be your job.

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uh duh…that is the point lol
they DONT do anything to keep it…then they lose it and cry about it.
You know how to read, correct?

I could be doing 439785623495876324098572340958730495875409837502938475309845720394857230945723049587230495872304985723049857230495873409857230498572304985732409587320498 Threat Per Second.

If your pet taunts, he gets aggro.

You know how to read, correct?