Rage normalization kills warriors, SOD, and WoW

Which rotation would you say is more fun to play? I’ve heard both perform competitively with eachother.

For sure they are competitive to one a other. You can pump either way.

IMO Fury is more fun with full world buffs. Arms without. Base reason is keeping up CBR (80 rage) is not fun when rage is not as easy to generate. Plus Deathwish, Blood Fury and Recklessness is just naaaaaasty in execute phase. You get a big number, you get a big number, you get a BIG number!

Nothing like walking down that hunter who thought he had you 15 seconds before the fight is over :rofl:

Explain what you think I’ve got wrong big guy

This is my hope as well.

I had a warrior alt in Phase 1 but it didn’t quite reach level 25 when I realized all of the runes were just minor changes to warrior’s existing kit.

(With damage->resource gen problem, I kinda get why they didn’t add any cool items Stormbolt or an AoE Slam or something…hopefully they can with the normalization.)

phase 1 was when the warrior kit was the most different from vanilla. now its the exact same with slam instead of bloodthirst

Arms is super smooth and pretty easy compared to dealing with CBR in Fury, while still requiring 100x the brainpower of mashing two buttons on cooldown.

You rend+flag on pull, then MS, overpower is up precisely when that GCD ends, then slam, then you have a dead GCD you can hamstring or whatever in before it starts over. Just maintain rend and flag for maximum uptime, and HS to keep off rage cap, and WHEEEE!

Fury is objectively better DPS than Arms at any gear level at 50 (even with parasomnia), and the top end is higher, but Arms is very respectable DPS, insane cleave on trash, and just stupid fun to play. It is buttery smooth.

Waa, Waa. Warrior is doing 3x the DPS of other classes but is still crying.

“But if you look at the ## percentile, Warriors aren’t number one!”

You sound pathetic. No one is going to pity you.

wah wah wah, some NFL players are better at playing football than me. Why is he allowed to be so much better? Can we make him sit on the bench so the other team has a chance?

Didn’t address this in my second post as I felt that the first one I made, right about here:

Pretty much sums up my whole stance on the “Warriors dealing too much damage, plz fix blizzard.” statement, but I digress nuance is hard and people suck at it, and I’ll admit my own failings in forgetting that fact.

To the toddler speak, it makes itself most evident during execute phase, because that is funnily enough the only ability that actually deals More damage based on rage spent. So fair enough. Everything else is plateaued once you are consistently hitting 100 rage.

Honestly I would actually prefer them to get more creative with other classes like this, and say give Rogues the energy regen of WOTLK where we get rid of this cancerous tick system, but I imagine that many a rogue would call me stupid for wanting that in much the same way many warriors are complaining about how changing something so fundamental as a resource is a terribly hamstringing way to do so. Personally I think the small indie dev team of SOD would be better off Giving shaman some abilities that don’t cost mana or give it back as rotation filler.
Hell I’d argue Rogues are already fairly solid in most aspects with Combo point generation, finisher optimization, and AP Scaling on Poisons. The only thing we’re missing from WOTLK (And the main reason -why- sin dagger rogues are so over-represented right now on logs) Is the lack of the constant energy regen system.
Of course Rogues do also get to save Combo points for their finishers on crits, so maybe you have a point Seal fate should probably be checked on actually.

I’ll end on this point as frankly I don’t wish to pick apart each and every one you made. What if Normalizing rage generation does not work, and we’re still seeing the problem of warriors winding up at the top in the 99th percentile by a wide margin?

Like the average warrior isn’t blowing average people out of the water, and probably just wants to play the class since it is more dynamic than most others due to the unique nature of their resource. But thanks to Parse Culture brainrot everyone looks at the Top performers with perfect setups and raids that are either A) Being paid to get damage that stupid or B) are literally not human and are freaks who are willing to do that just to flex their e-peen. And think that’s somehow a problem for the slightly above* average mook getting blues and purples.

You’re quite literally cherry picking the most fringe edge case to act like Warriors are OP.

I guarantee Warrior isn’t top DPS at the your level of performance.


I literally just sat down with a bag of popcorn didn’t even need to salt it due to all the tears. Agree the normalized rage should’ve been done phase 1. I doubt it’s going to hurt warriors at all. Unless they do another gnomer with insane armor lol

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What does armor have to do with rage normalization?

The fact you’re using that as an example of Warriors being hurt shows you have no idea what you’re talking about. With normalized rage Warriors would actually be better off against extremely overtuned armor values. They’d be far far worse against everything else.

These responses show that Warriors are nothing more than whiny children :rofl:

“I’m like an NFL player, so it makes sense that I do more DPS than others.”

Literally, what the heck are these comments? These have to be actual children.

Rage normalization is completely unnecessary, when you’re playing without world buffs. I raided on SoM (which did not allow world buffs in raids) through Naxx and have plenty of experience raiding on a Warrior w/o buffs.

With every world buff under the sun? Yeah, rage generation is ridiculous. But that’s the entire point of world buffs! People who like world buffs WANT TO BREAK THE GAME!

I think it would be insane to balance the game around world buffs. They break the game for obvious reasons. A full set of world buffs can provides as many stats as your entire set of gear.

The better solution is to just… not allow world buffs in raids. We did this in SoM. Warriors were fine without them.


That’s because I already pointed out why it was false.
Right about here, here, and here:

Moving on:

  1. Yes Execute is the most obvious one.
  2. Also- being able to spam an ability every GCD. (Which adds the hit modifier and extra damage on it as well)
    There’s a reason Top warriors’ Number 1 Damage is Heroic Strike, while all other Auto attack class has autoattack as their number 1 damage.

They’re trying to avoid the Resource independent spam where everyone has the resource to mash a button every GCD. Like it or not, they’re trying to make resource a consideration in classic, for everyone in P4.

Then they’ll probably narrow the band further…

Yeah, I’m not a fan of Parse culture either, but it’s more that once everyone plateaus due to level and their gear is additive, warriors would still be multiplicative.
And that’s a large part of why they got Loot prio: Broken rage generation mechanic allowing them to play like Retail characters…in classic.

It’s really weird to say that something that was successful in future expansions of WoW would kill anything. If they implement the best version of rage normalization that already has been tested and proven for nearly 20 years, and for some reason it doesn’t work, it’ll get hotfixed.

Faith might be low in SOD but there are just some things I can’t imagine going longer than a week without being hotfixed. Rage generation is one of those things.


I would rather them take away flagellation rune or nerf it than rage normalization. Blizzard said they would buff other classes up to warrior level, they should keep their word. Just buff other classes and stop giving us flat damage modifiers its so boring and is making warrior damage even more insane.

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Axewipe, as always, you have the smartest takes in the forums. Getting rid of world buffs would make it significantly easier to balance things, since Warriors often scale much better with world buffs than other classes.

Warriors need to be kept fun to play. However, they also need to not be making other classes irrelevant.


If that needs to be done I think you need to reroll.

You’re bad at your class and don’t know what you’re talking about, and that’s why you’re deflecting. Go ahead and pipe down while the adults are talking buddy.