They aren’t.
They aren’t.
Low level or even near top level tanks have no hit, so when you miss an auto attack after throwing out anything that costs rage you are auto gimped until you swing again.
Before their swings gave basically no rage.
Now it will be better.
They just nerfed melee hunter hard which again not #1 overall rage normalization and mutilate nerfs must happen the same.
This is nonsense. You’re getting hit as the tank, which generates far more rage than you can spend, and it’s also trivial to get 5% hit.
If you scuff a pull then people just need to wait, but if you’re not bad you’ll pop a rage pot and get to work.
Melee Hunter was absolutely 100% #1 overall. They were only surpassed at the top 1% of play. They also have a brainless rotation which has no business doing anywhere near top end dps.
What rotation is not brainless? Warrior dancing with a weak aura and macro? Really? Pressing mutilate and envenom? Gtfo
Warriors have to upkeep CBR while having optimal uptime on flagellation. Plus timing it for execute phase with other CD’s like Death wish, Dflask, Eng items, Rage pot, Recklessness, and while doing their rotation
1000x harder than hunters spamming 2 buttons
Fury Warrior.
They don’t know because they can’t play the class.
Everyone has trinkets, eng items… you mean aka nades, again what is your point? There is nothing special about playing warrior class any more so than a melee hunter. It is still a brain dead class, you don’t have pet management. Again zero difference, everything you names every class does in some form or another. Clown
Warrior isn’t hard, stop lying.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. I play both Warrior and Hunter. Hunter is brain off mashing two keys. Warrior is a decision every swing and every GCD.
Compare Warrior to Hunter and get back to me. Hunter is barely a rotation. “Hard” is subjective, but Warrior is undeniably dynamic and far more than mashing two buttons on CD.
I also have a hunter alt so I can speak on this
warrior rotation/management is one of the hardest in vanilla wow, and still in SOD (even more so with Flag/CBR)
Hunter is braindead easy
Being one of the hardest things in Vanilla wow is meanlingless, nothing is classic is hard, and none of it justifies dominating meters by upwards of 40 percent. This is sod, no one wants 20 stacks of warriors outside of those who thought rolling warrior meant Blizzard owed them top the meter status.
Please link me to posts of hunters asking for their rotation to be overly simple and then after that link me to a blue post suggesting that Blizzard thinks SOD class balance should have anything to rotation complexity.
Anything to defend being broken beyond reason, sad really.
You having a Hunter alt doesn’t give you any more insight on what the rightful raid balance should be then me having an alt warrior does.
If you have a warrior alt you know its harder than hunter by a mile.
Also your era char parsing is horrendous please do not @ me
We’re all very impressed that you play games like a big boy! So proud of you. We’re having a conversation buddy.
That’s hunters. They’re #1 DPS on 99% of parses with a braindead rotation. They are broken. Warriors are not.
Oh no! You dug up logs from era! It’s almost like my focus in era was getting r14 and raiding wasn’t my main goal.
Never did I claim hunters didn’t have an easy rotation, we never asked for it to be overly simple. A class that can only fufill the role of DPS should have a spec that can compete on the high end of DPS numbers.
I’m all for Rage Norming if it means Fun Runes are finally added.