Races You Want, But You Abandoned All Hope

I am surprised by the lack of murlocs in this thread.


I was just about to say: ā€œMy list begins and ends with Murlocs.ā€

Although someone did post about why ā€œCooking fireā€ should also be playable, and Iā€™m good with that too.


Yup. The new customizations for IF dwarves could have easily been for WH. :\



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Blizzard sensibly hasnā€™t gone for large, fat, two headed orcs (which would end up the same height as orcs anyhow). And I say fat because thereā€™s solid (eg Kul Tiran) and then there is bulbous. Ogres have zero aesthetic appeal and about as interesting a racial story as a turnip. In my possibly not very humble opinion.

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They may have retconned the Dryads being immune to magic. You can kill them with magic in-game just fine.

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Ethereal and Jinyu.

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They brought it back in the Traveler books lol

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Arakkoa and Sethrak.

Fortunately the other two i wanted were made into AR so i am still happy.


But Dryads are still killable in Darkshore with magic, even after that book was written.

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You could arguably attribute stuff like that to gameplay over lore; like how a Shaman could potentially kill a fire Elemental with elemental fire.

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I donā€™t really think that breaks lore. They used to be immune, but they removed it. That could be retcon as well.

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I never understood why fantasy makes Fire Elementals immune to Fire Damage.

Iā€™m made of flesh and bone, but Iā€™m not immune to flesh and bone damage. If you punch me, I cry lol


Gnomes are incredibly stupid looking and donā€™t seem to fit with the logic of the game, especially with their machines and what not. But, Blizzard likes to add stupid races into the game so Ogres by your logic are a great fit.

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I originally didnā€™t care much for harpies

Then they got their updated model in legion and blizzard seemed uhā€¦ thicken em up a bit

Now I want playable harpies as well


Manā€™ari for sure! The ultimate Warlocks!



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Grummle and Venthyr



With the introduction of Void Elves, itā€™s unlikely. The sort of merged two aesthetics we were asking for into one race, and while I adore Void Elves and pretty much only continue to play because of them, it really sucks for people who wanted both High Elves and Ethereals.
It might not be a never, but itā€™s extremely unlikely. Thereā€™s just too much cross-over.

We would have had them by now if we were getting them, and frankly, considering Blizzardā€™s track record, if we did get the High Arrakoa - the uncorrupted ones from Spires of Arak, theyā€™d likely go Horde simply because the Alliance doesnā€™t get to have non-humanoids for some reason.
Still my dream to see them on Alliance though. We desperately need some non-humanoids, and the ones from the Spireā€™s mentality fits with the Allianceā€™s imperialistic tones very well.

Shipā€™s sailed. We got diaper babies instead.
Will never not be mad.


Horde drakonids and naga are my two big ones. Iā€™ve always wanted to play a sort of ā€œmonstrous beastmanā€ race thatā€™s mage-compatible, and the only two races that visually cut it for me are tauren and worgen. But given that I main a horde mage, Iā€™m kinda screwed on both fronts. Been playing since TBC and I still donā€™t have an available race I want to play. :frowning:

Saurok and saberon would be distant runner ups as allied races, but as both are based on the worgen model, I donā€™t expect either of them to happen. Also itā€™d probably be too easy for Blizzard to say theyā€™re too dumb to use arcane magic or something like that.