Race/class restrictions are purely cultural. Physically, there is nothing stopping more combos

True, but the lore has been loosened to allow for more race/class combos before. See: Patch 4.0.3a.

Yeah honestly hate how it is in FFXIV…At least Elder Scrolls Online pushes it heavily though strong racials and WoW keeps it through flat out restrictions.

Yes but Blizzard gave them a huge XP boost and wanted incentive cause they knew not having it be a hero class would hurt its popularity… when DK’s came out everyone re rolled and tried it out because you were practically towards end game… telling everyone to start level 1 needed incentive.

The same reason Tyrande uses bow as a priestess, he’s a single entity not anywhere the norm… still clearly a warrior since his fallen fel variant picks up a polearm and fights like a warrior.

a mage ability, monks using Storm,earth and fire is them splitting their spirit.

the only thread where i’ve even brought this up lmao… so youre just making random stuff up??

Yes Nightborne and Void elves arent in a strict religious cult, they are open to follow any religion. Lightforged Draenei are not in the same situation.

The player character is also a single entity not “anywhere in the norm.” Why should a player character be restricted to cultural norms if Tyrande and T’paartos don’t have to be? Also, I’m not sure if you know this, but Monks can use polearms. Anyway, I feel like the way Blizzard presents him in a major quest chain is the “real T’paartos.”

Is he a mage? I learned something new today.

I never make anything up.

So you’ve seen me say this in other threads over a 1 year ago as your example lmao…

Monks are a relgious org. to the point every single legion weapon was based on Pandaren culture.

Blizzard could have not made it so heavily implied but decided to not go that route; Honestly wish monks were the 3rd priest spec instead of Disc in vanilla like orignally intended so it could be explained for every race… You know just being an unarmed devout for humans but being a Loa Primalist for Trolls.

The windwalker artfact was made by a legendary tolvir smith and imbued with the power of al’akir and has nothing to do with the pandaren

Still counts as a different thread, proving you wrong.

Did you even play the Monk campaign? WW artifact has nothing to do with Pandaren. Even if it did, it doesn’t prove anything about Monks being a “religious organization.”

I’m really glad you don’t work for Blizzard. I thought some of their ideas were bad but after reading this I’m kind of grateful for their game design in MoP.

You trying to argue this is like me trying to tell you The druid campaign isnt based on Night elf culture because the healing weapon is based off a harpy lmao.

The problem with all these “arguments” is one simple thing game design teaches people, but unfortunately game devs know they cant be candid about it with players.

There is a concept, “older than the matrix itself” ( no, really, this is a concept that dates back before TV even existed, or radio, and it is the concept that its evolution was stolen by a psychologist, and then stolen by Shrodinger to make up that crap people now flock into), the concept, or rather the original concept of, the multiverse.

The universe is reality, as you experience it. The multiverse has several dreamworlds. From that comes the concept of the game dreamworld. The reality is, for the game, the code, that which in matrix is represented by that tons of characters and “apparently non-sense”. That does not change to anyone. The “D;LKASJDKL;FSDFSD;NLEKLJTTLKHT;SLKTS;TLJ” lets say, is the same to EVERYONE, but that translates into things that might be something to some, and something else to others. It is the idea of concepts like beauty, good, bad, etc. The multiverse are the various interpretations someone can make about that first concept ( the “D;LKASJDKL;FSDFSD;NLEKLJTTLKHT;SLKTS;TLJ”) that is without word to describe it, or image to define it. The reality you experience is the word you use for it, the image you associate with it.

Now, to the topic. The game World, or the Dreamworld in this case, is the “races”, the “classes”, the “abilities”. They are what you understand from a sequence of instructions that is coded in the game and has no race, no class, no code. So in your reality, the idea that “Taurens cant be Rogues” is the rule, a set of words, and a relation from the word and image of Taurens, rogues, and negative correlation. That is entirely up to the code, and there is no other reason for it to be that way. The idiots invented the new idea of multiverse, a more refined version of the idiotic explanation for “Mandela Effect”, because they are unable to make abstractions, which would be the World is only one, but each one sees it as they sees it, and that is their individual image of a World that is for everyone.

All that to say:

If they change it, it is not because you “reasoned”, or because you are “right”. They change it SOLELY because THEY WANTED TO, weather to get more people interested, to spice things up, or just for people to shut up.

It has nothing to do with “culture”. It’s about the expense involved with creating druid animations for all races and appearances.

This is why I think it is funny when people want Tinkers to come to every race but a different mech for every single race… the likelyness of that happening is zero.

We will get an Alliance and Horde variant, the limitations will be based on Goblin and Gnomes.

It is why we probably wont get any new demon hunter races.

This hasn’t stopped them in the past (BfA added two). Even if it’s gradual, it can obviously happen. Also, there are more classes than just Druids.

I honestly don’t even know how to respond to you anymore because I swear you’re making me lose IQ points.

Yes, they added two. They didn’t add all and they’re not going to.

Druids will be the most expensive class to make available to all races because of the animations for shapeshifted forms.

Bookmarking this for the future lol. Never make bold, sweeping predictions. Nobody can predict the future.

HAHAHAHA wait… you do realize most of legion class halls were hijacked by Alliance Favortisim with zero of the classes being horde favored even Shamans.

O-okay? Good for the Alliance I guess.

Critter form.

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The gnome druid travel form, aquatic form, and flight form is the duck.

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I was thinking squirrel form for cat form.

Pink kittens.

I actually like the restrictions for race/class combos. It adds to making the game world seem like a place that matters. The little details matter (should matter).

I think where it seems like a stupid arbitrary restriction is because so much else about Blizzards “world building” these days is so terrible, the race/class combo restrictions seem to not fit–the current game world and design philosophy is where everything is throwaway and nothing matters. Investing in a character doesn’t matter, literally everything will be reset or wiped out every single patch, so the world building starts to seem pointless.

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