Race/class restrictions are purely cultural. Physically, there is nothing stopping more combos

Not necessarily. Nothing says where you were born or what your parents were up to. Draenei have been on Azeroth for about 8 years canonically. Couldve been born a few years before crashing, and then when you got to azeroth ended up somewhere else. So about 8 when Exodor crashed, then next 8 years studying to be a warlock somewhere else(those rebellious years). Lightforged are a bit different. Not sure how you could do that story

Conceptually I agree, but what people aren’t realizing is we don’t start off as a kid but rather an adult adventurer.

They tried once upon a time ago with DK’s where you had to undergo a questline to unlock hero classes…it got scrapped early in Alpha or Beta for Wrath but the original plan was you were going to literally level a character and then undergo a process to become a DK…losing the other character in the process.

Also there are some combos that just don’t work. A DH literally sucks down demonic fel to give them their power…that isn’t gonna sit too well if said DH decided “whelp, I think I’ll be a paladin now”…

Not even this is necessary, even when on Draenor Draenei weren’t immune to tampering with the demonic arts :woman_shrugging:. WoD showed us as much. The thing about Warlocks is that, surprise! They don’t go around bragging about how they’re Warlocks. It’s like they’re a societal taboo that is kept a secret.

Individuals be individuals. Ain’t nothing stopping a Tauren from trying out some mage/warlock magic :woman_shrugging:

A number of races would face exile for practicing certain classes.

I can see SOME race class combos opening up . . . but some classes either require more then just some minor training or “going against cultural taboos”. Fel if a current undead tried to become a Paladin they’d be nothing more then a pile of ash (only true undead paladins in current lore are forced into it or use similar abilities as npcs). As for Draenei warlocks . . . oh lord . . . For a Draenei to become a warlock it’s not only a cultural taboo, but defies literally everything they stand for and would not only be shunned by their peers but killed on sight. Yea everyone points out those draenor warlocks but fail the remember that they betrayed their people and served the legion (which playable warlocks don’t do).

Look I get it, you wanna play your favorite class as your favorite race or whatever, but some class restrictions are not simply minor whatevers but have genuine reasons as to why they are not a thing.

This is always going to boil down to how much stock you put into World Building and setting identity vs. gameplay and character customization.

Excluding a few because they make zero sense. No matter how you twist it and would look really weird IMHO.

I’m for removing majority of class / race restrictions. But probably unpopularly, I still think there needs to be a line for a few classes. :man_shrugging:

Funny cause your wrong.

Matter of fact if all races can be all classes I’ll prob play a troll demon hunter. Which is only available to elfs atm. Therefore doing the opposite of playing an elf. Instead taking a elf away from the game.

50% of the Horde is blood elves.

Let them be shaman and druids and that goes up… so no I’m right.

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So if you hate elfs that much then you agree that demon hunter should be available to trolls?

Yeah who cares about the story or the lore. How about we just let Alliance and Horde play together, and make it so every race can play every class.

That being the case…they should lock it behind a paywall. Want to be a gnome druid…pay us $25

Blood Elf only didn’t have warrior because of restrictions on the old system.
There was never any cultural reason for them to not have them. It was just the one they had to pick to scrap because the game’s code literally wouldn’t allow them to have more than x amount of classes pre-Cataclysm. The old code was even more spaghetti than the current.
People can try to cite lore on that one, but spellbreakers exist, and the warrior toolkit is perfect for them.

Toss me in the boat of being okay with some restrictions though. Both for balancing purposes, and for world building. Some stuff just simply shouldn’t exist for the sake of keeping the world actually somewhat coherent, and the things that do break the story hard? Good excuse for class skins, or it’s that way for a reason. (Blood elf druids would overtake every other druid race but potentially night elf, and night elf druid is one of the only things still popular exclusive to the Alliance, as a rather harsh example. That exclusivity goes, the faction will take another population/morale blow. And this is without the lore implications, and the set-up of them being the “magic” (and now holy post TBC) elf race.)

Then you’ve also got some races that almost have everything playable, even when it stretches. Warlock was presumably (or confirmed? idk) dropped for Zandalari, because they’d have literally every class but Demon Hunter available to them once DK was unlocked. Same thing now with Blood Elves - who still want more always - and Dark Irons.
When you give some of the more popular races in the game access to everything, people will just flock to that race, especially so in the case of pretty elves, leaving the other races behind. I’d actually wager this is why we don’t have Nightborne druids yet.

Some people will say that Demon Hunters are the only class that makes sense to have restrictions, but druid is the other major player in the restrictions. Shaman is arguable as well, but much more lax with who can practice.

We could be using new class additions to bring more attention to races that need it, or a whole faction at this point - Void Elf paladin is a hot topic of debate, but dark paladins going to the original paladin faction might boost morale heavily, as one example - rather than just compounding some of the game’s problems more.
And as an aside, I do want to point out that the Horde have more shamans available to them, their “faction” class, while the Alliance is lacking in Paladins in comparison. So it’s likely if they do open up more options, more Alliance paladins of some kind are coming.

It would be nice to see some more options, but opening the floodgates when the world-building is already suffering due to poor writing, and faction balance is in the crapper, isn’t the play here.

More like a parakeet if anything lmao.

Light warlocks/inquistors. Basically using holy spells mixed with fire. And holy demons/ holy mechs. As dranei had wakeners. So they could use a holy mech/holy demon version of warlocks basically a summoner class.

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Wait until you find out about random battleground mercenary mode.