Race/class restrictions are purely cultural. Physically, there is nothing stopping more combos

How many times a month do you post this same thread OP?

This is the first time Iā€™ve ever made a thread like this. Feel free to go through my profile for proof.

I can provide you with a list of all my alts too if you need even more proof.

Kinda weird youā€™re accusing me of something that can easily be fact checked.

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Way too much effort.

I apologize for assuming you were spamming a topic that has been covered almost as much as the rabid high elf threads.

Seems like itā€™s a popular topic, then.

I could see opening up more classes to more races, but imo it is something that needs to be earned ala allied race style.

My reasoning is this: while it opens up some RP elements, there are also those that will make certain class/race combos just because they can. I see a lot of people pointing out these combos would be the ā€œrareā€ ones, but knowing people. what is supposed to be ā€œrareā€ can easily be seen everywhere. There needs to be someway to make sure that the combos are not going to be common if made available and keep the number closer to what would be expected for rare things.

Now some things that can be explained by different tribe (Tauren Rogues) I am willing to let slide and become more available with no issue, but if it is really out there, like Draenei warlocks, there needs to be that block to keep their number relatively small as RP is fine, but how many would make that combination just because they can?

Eh, itā€™s a fantasy world. You can just imagine that theyā€™re wearing some kind of muffler on their hooves.

Ah, you speak of racial spells. Priests used to have that, but dwarves Fear Ward was OP, especially given the amount of fears in raid encounters back in those days. It was a major reason why Alliance dominated back then, as Fear Ward trivialized fights like Onyxia, whereas Horde Tremor Totem had all sorts of limitations and functional issues.

Paladins kind of had that too, with Alliance paladins having one seal and Blood Elf paladins having another (i want to say it was called Seal of Blood? I forget.) But once again it was imbalanced as Blood Elves unique seal was overall much better for dps than the Alliance seal.

This is why we donā€™t have racial spells anymore.

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To be fair it is a highly requested thing. On top of the fact that these threads do pop up around the time the next expansion is going to be announced.

In the coming months thereā€™s going to be a ton of ā€œwhat new classā€ ā€œwhat new raceā€ ā€œwhat new zoneā€ ā€œnew customizationā€ ā€œrace/comboā€ threads are going to be rampant. They only lessen a bit after the next expac is announced but even then some still pop up.

No I am not talking about racial spells. I am talking class skins. Not everyone will have the same take on a class.

can rogues sneak around with hooves ?

I think race/class restrictions should apply only in the following 2 circumstances:

  • The race is biologically incompatible with the class (I.e. Undead paladin)
  • The class is taboo/abhorrent/anathema to that race (I.e. Draenei warlock)

If neither of the above apply, the race/class should be allowed. ā€œItā€™s not common in their cultureā€ would be an invalid reason (Player characters have travelled far and wide), as would ā€œTheir starting zone is isolated and time lockedā€ (Exileā€™s Reach is a thing now).

The limitations being cultural is why theyā€™re good for the game, the reinforce the fantasy setting and help differentiate the various cultures.

But I think there is a chance Blizzard will just lift all the restrictions anyway because things like world building are important to long term game health and moving forward WoW may just be about cashing out as many services as they can from the remaining players.


Other than it ruining the game.

open every class to every race and you arent helping the game youre giving an excuse for more people to only play Blood elves and Humans only.

This is why I like RP realms, cause you have people with a more open mind on their racial choices trying to fit a fantasy so you see all your factions racesā€¦ when I played on Illidan all I saw were blood elvesā€¦ and people playing races that blood elves didnt have access too.

Pandaren monks are basically the Spanish Inquisitionā€¦ they go to multiple places are recruit more people into their religious cultā€¦ this doesnt work on goblins what will never put anything above coin or Lightforged Draenei that have to be 100% commited to the light to be lightforged.

Yes and those class text had them labled as Spellbreakersā€¦ Lorthermar is a spell breaker, their racial leader.

Field medics and weā€™ve seen gnome marksmenā€¦

at the end of the day you let any race be any class, you hurt the game.

stop giving popular races new classes, make Tinkers Goblin,Gnome,Mechagoblin and Vulpera exclusive.

it ruins diversityā€¦ most normal servers are already shoe horned into a single raceā€¦ open ever class and this will happen even more.

Stop caping for Blizzard. There are already Lightforged Monks in the gameā€¦ you even help one undergo the Lightforged trials (Tā€™paartos). The only reason Blizzard didnā€™t add them is because they didnā€™t want to make Highmountain Tauren Priests and Paladins, and the two allied races needed to be evenly balanced upon release or people would complain. This is a hill Iā€™m willing to die on.

Goblin Monks and Worgen Monks arenā€™t a thing only because of timeline issues in the early starting zones for those races. With Exileā€™s Reach, there isnā€™t an excuse anymore.

Also, unlike the Light-based classes, being a Monk doesnā€™t cause you to join a ā€œreligious cult.ā€

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i agree with the other options but if weā€™re going with strict lore basis for each class option vulpera would not have tinker unless they void elfā€™d some new story for it out of thin air but the same logic could apply to any other race really

Sharing the skeleton as a reason for the class seems kinda flimsy, if we went by that draenei would have warlocks because of legion eredar

No Panderean monks are exactly that, the lore reason is they are spreading their religion everywhereā€¦ the gameplay reason is that monks are the least played class, and it gives multiple races a tri role classā€¦ that wouldnt have one because they dont have paladins or druids.

*Implying thereā€™s more than one.
*Tā€™partos is clearly a warrior from evidence of his Fel fallen variant.

you have to be completly doctorned by pandaeren religon.

Iā€™d argue that Vulpera Tinkers would exist for the same reason we have void elf priest.

It would be more because of the Chemist healing tinker spec than the whole class itself, just like how void elves can be priest when lorewise they are only shadow priest.

Unarmed combat duels is a tradition among them actually called Jedā€™hin. They (the Army of the Light) encourage you to participate in a world quest in Eradath against another player

didnt seem to get done often because it had to be up and have another player there with you to fight but still, its a thing

Unarmed combat=/=Pandaern monks using the element spirit and following 4 pandaren demigods.

Um. Yeah, that is the whole point. There was never a coding reason, just a lore reason. That was always obvious.

They werenā€™t the ā€œleast played classā€ when Blizzard decided to make them playable to everyone. Well they were, but Blizzard had no idea if they were or were not going to take off. They made that decision before that.

If heā€™s a Warrior, why doesnā€™t he use weapons like a normal Warrior? I mean, he probably had a nice selection before he completed his trial. Blademaster Telaamon is an example of a Lightforged Draenei that can wear leather armor, and can create mirror images that assist him in combat; these are two things current LF Draenei canā€™t do but Monks can.

Also, Iā€™ve seen you push the ā€œPandaren Monks use are a religious orderā€ trope in other threads (for some reason, you really donā€™t like the idea of LF Draenei being Monksā€¦ Iā€™ve been reading other threads). Itā€™s always weird how everyone else just ignores your comments.

there are nightborne monks who have been living under a bubble for thousands of years, they wouldve had to learn the chi magic after returning to the outside world same could be said for lightforged