Race/Class Expansion - Demon Hunters

Open letter to Blizz - it’d be GREAT to start expanding DH cosmetics and racial options.

The reality is, as customizations expand, we’re going to get better things. But some items that would be great to touch in future would be appreciated by a swathe of players:

  1. NEW RACES - Nightborne, Void Elf

    Anyone who knows my tag knows I push for this hard. Void Elves and Nightborne share common rigging, meshes and animations with Night Elves and Blood Elves. There’s some work to do, particularly with meshing and NB animation adjustment, but this is an easy win.

    Previous quests (Tools of the Trade - Tailoring) have already shown us a Nightborne DH making work, and with the Felborne still somewhat active it’s likely they can easily be rolled into the Illidari.

    Likewise, Void Elves are… Well, Void Elves! It would make sense that, either discontent with the Void or seeking more power, they’d turn to the Illidari to sacrifice even MORE for their people.

  2. NEW CUSTOMS - Horns and Belt!

    For some weird reason, certain horn customizations, as well as blindfolds, are gender-locked. In a game that appears to be slowly moving away from the binary male/female, letting these meshes be used by both sexes would be incredible.

    Furthermore, after YEARS of co-habitating, opening up the different ‘ornate blindfolds’ across races would be incredible. Likewise, the fact the under-garment loincloth is non-pants, non-belt is a shame! It’s a beautiful piece, and should also become it’s own item.


    This is, undoubtedly, a pipe dream wish. But between Fel Blademasters and Winged Man’ari (who have now recently joined the Alliance!), there’s some precedence for the Illidari taking in more to guide and rear. While there’s some old material available to Orcs in the Warcraft and WoW RPGs (now mostly non-canon), it’d be great to see them make mentions or returns.

Thanks for your consideration!


actually the trolls were the first demon hunters

its time to have zandalari demon hunter


I don’t really care either way about Nightborne or Void Elves (though the many Nightborne who became fel-suffused toward the end of the Legion occupation would give them an easy in) but I will die on the hill that orcs and draenei would be perfect new DH races.

We desperately need non-elf DHs



ZANADALIDARI FOREVERRRRRR! (is this a complete sentence?)


I would go the opposite route myself.
A bloof elf demon hunter decided to go study the powers of the void.

Although i do find the combo kinda crazy as im not sure a person could realistically handle a demon inside of them and the whispers of the void. Thats a time bomb if i ever did see one haha


I… I aprove, I See nothing annoy me, Sure It shameful see orc do it (Make it Fel orc then it be fine and allow making of fel orc for comstation) then I arpove of this

So yes… This is fine.


Short answer: No!

Long answer: NoooooOOOoooooooooooooOOOoooooooooooooO0OoooooooooOO0oOooooooooooooooooo!!1!


We all ready have Draenei warlock with Manari look (As seen by poster over here ^^^ )

So Draenei demon hunter (Demon them self) is fine I mean, they ex legion So I see that fine use ex legion soilder for demon hunting is Cool.

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If I had a Magic Genie, and I could ask for 3 wishes, my first wish would be for Demon Hunters to be removed from the game.

The other two wishes depend on what the Genie looks like.

Well You say that but Genie is Monkey Paw so

You Get rid of demons hunter but we lose to the Legion (Nice one)

2nd no Mnari Warlock for player base thanks to what happen in legion (Yeah that was not smart was it)

3rdly Why wish on monkey paw item? ewww you konw how these thing smells.

The most important thing Demon Hunters did in Legion was being decimated every other day in Argus, giving me some good laughs.

Some may argue that they were also needed because they stole the Sargerite Keystone, but I would argue that if we’d asked the Rogues to steal it, they would have stolen it better because they are the only Class in the game with theft as a game mechanic.

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I can’t handle this brain riot Why demon hunter are here in legion, As most folk want them in BC but yeah yeah “oh wow rouge do it behind” nones brainrot

You should lest read up on illidan the book before spew more

Then agian Manrri brainrot.

I’d say most DH would rather have a third Spec rather than a new race.


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Wish 2. All Vulpera cease to exist.
Wish 3. No one can undo my wishes with their wishes.

What be? Caster maybe but Mostly they the Heavy hitter… Unless you get DH hunter have gun then I don’t konw

God forbid Healing by Demon hunter

More races better since it stuck on two races…

Technically both anduin and sylvanas would have been killed early on in Legion had it not been for the demon hunters

Think they did quite a bit :smiley:


Uh oh it that monkey paw magic, You remove all you idea cool races all are just human

And Good job we can’t undo it and blizzard losing money And have fun seeking a new mmo


1 - That’s my genie. Get your own lol

2 - I like Vulpera. They are cute :smiley:

I’d be happy with void elf. When they remade the NE male models, they completely butchered them.

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