I’d race-change to Nightborne if they made it an option for DH. I like the Nightborne the most of the four flavors of Elves we have. They’re the closest I can get to a Drow.
Not a fan of Nightborne and Void Elf demon hunters but I’m all for Draenei and Orc demon hunters
Mid-Week bump!
More customs for one class means other classes and races will need more too!
I agree with this.
That said, I’d pay great sums of money to play a void elf demon hunter. I’d race change my DH so fast the internet would catch fire.
I just don’t think it’s needed.
Or maybe we can stop with the LET EVERYTHING BE EVERYTHING! and retain some sort of flair or flavor in the game.
Void Elf honestly feels like a slam-dunk auto-inclusion to the class.
- Eldritch Power
- More Tentalces
- Premium Goth Energy
My vote has and will always be:
keep it exclusive. So tired of the silly lore shoehorning of race/classes. Other races is just ridiculous without a new demonic threat on a burning legion scale. The other elf races either didn’t exist yet or were isolated in their city by magic barrier when DHs were reborn. Illidan didn’t like or trust non-elves and only just tolerated the blood elves.
keep your third spec. There’s such a small chance of anything new fitting the fantasy, what is the point of it? Havoc is dope and so is vengeance.
All for more customization though!
Custom meta forms
Tattoo colors
Claws and hooves
Permanent wings
Felstalker dreadlocks
Options that better display the traits of whatever demon was used in the ritual.
Reskin of dracthyr’s soar for DH using the similar meta rig
Etc etc
Personally I think they should remove all race/class restrictions, like who cares really?
New week? New B U M P.