Race to play as DK: Draenei, Nelf, Worgen or Gnome?

I smell a guild coming on!

But for real tho, is khadgar server normal or rp?


Female Night Elf combat animations are great and we look great in any armour, just look at me :wink:

The only thing off is the bounce and flips which looks a bit out of place for something undead :frowning:

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Either Worgen or Draenei. The Worgen racial is a great help, and if you run engineering as well you can get a speed boost for your belt and be a super mobile dk. Draenei looks cool along with Worgen. Gnome looks dumb in all melee classes…
And night elf, eh. It’s just an elf. Unless you wanna camp a WQ using shadowmeld and kill some lone hordie I don’t see the appeal.

Nelf got that new eye skin customisation that replaces our sullen, volcanic, baby blues with black orbs of death.

It is cool on dh, but only takes over behind the fel fires. Hard to see, really but yeah

If you are worried about visuals I don’t know that I would pick any of those races. Worgen heads clip through everything, Draenei are… Draenei, Gnomes are too tiny to enjoy their transmog or the combat visuals, I guess an elf would be acceptable though.

Nelf DKs because we are the remnants of those who died during the burning of teldrassil and now we are back with a vengeance!


Why settle for being undead when you can be double undead?

Edit: if you must play the lesser faction, Dwarf is the only race on that side that looks good. In plate, they look like walking fortresses. Gnome is the only other real choice Alliance-side.

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Come again for big fudge?

I guess its time for dk battle royale.

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Agreed. I had created a Nelf DK but deleted her a week ago, knowing in my heart of hearts that I just don’t prefer her to the Draenei and Worgen DKs. (I may wait for the new Worgen appearances before deciding between a male or female Worgen–or female Draenei.)

But a Worgen DK still can run around in human form, so that could take care of the “heads-clip[ping]-through-everything” issue. :grin:

You guys come from a very uneducated standpoint.
Ork is best race for anything. You blood Rage and Zug Zug your enemies down like we did in Shattrath with the space goats.
Besides male orks have the GIANT SHOULDERPADS and femorks are THICC

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By that standard, Draenei are far superior in magic and technology to orcs and female Draenei have the best /waggle in the game. And the only reason the orcs pulled off a successful attack on Shattrath is because of the sudden surprise and demon influence.

I got eoggs and engineering toys, i am gigantic.

Even with just eogg, i cannot fit in most doorways without riding a chopper. Can’t even get in with chopper with world shrinker.

Orc is wide, sure. But not very tall compared to draenei.

Btw, i legit used coin and got orc roll, used my buffs and got larger when i killed coin buff.

Yeah but femorks are EXTRA THICC. You can’t beat extra thiccness man.

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You easily can because curves trumps thicc any day.


Despite Khalastrya’s admirable insistence on the Orc race for DK (:grin:), I only was considering the options of Draenei, Nelf, Worgen or Gnome. And, at this point, it’s down to Draenei or Worgen. (I already have two Nelf toons and a DK Gnome would weird me out.)

Gnomes just weird me out in general. Deformed dwarf-kin that look weird and awful doing anything melee…

I wouldn’t pick Draenei for our racial since we have a lot of self healing already, only appearance and fantasy. If you want a useful alliance racial that death knights can use, Worgen definitely has the most useful, whether you play a mobile class or not.

Agreed. I recently did a class trial for a Gnome warrior. I knew right away that that class–and any melee class–for Gnome is a no for me.

I’m not considering racials very seriously; my focus is on those Alliance races that just look/ feel awesome to play as a DK.

I think that female Draenei and male Worgen look rather fierce, which is why I’m most drawn to them. (I probably should wait for the updated Worgen appearance options before making a firm decision… Either that, or I start playing one of them now, knowing that race/ name change could be in the future.)

Or you could just start a Draenei one and then level a Worgen after the updated models.


May your blades never dull!

And not gnomes please. They are just the worst