Race to play as DK: Draenei, Nelf, Worgen or Gnome?

I don’t do PvP and am not concerned about min/max this-'n-that. I’m looking for a race that, in terms of visuals, seems most fun to play as a DK. So for anyone who plays at least one of these races as a DK, what makes it fun for you?

Since BfA content has hit a standstill, I want a diversion and think that playing another DK–besides my Belf–may help. (Again, I’m not worried about what’s been nerfed nor about Worgen not being accurate for DK lore, etc.)

I like Worgen. The racial helps out with our slowness. Plus nothing more awesome than a big undead werewolf with a giant sword!


worgen is good. If u did pvp play orc its just so good all around

but for pve worgen or gnome both r very good, would lean towards worgen for the mobility/uptime

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I hate that you both are right, as far as Worgen mobility goes. In terms of appearance, I lean toward Draenei, then Nelf, for DK on the Alliance side. But I have a Worgen druid whom I like a lot, so I could see myself liking one as a DK, as well.

I still won’t rule out a female Gnome, as Gnomes just crack me up. I’ve created a Gnome monk to help pass the time and she makes me want to giggle half the time; I can only imagine one as a DK.

I don’t think it could be any clearer. draenei have some great emotes and its kinda funny to watch trying to figure out how a cloven can do some, if not most of, the rotation animations.

For horde. (In this order)
Belf(wayyyyy too many)

For alliance.
Human.(for the lore)
Night elf.
Gnome (for the lolz)
Dranny.( unless female).

Draenei fit what I feel a plate wearing class should be. Someone big and bulky to wear heavy plate armor. I can’t really see it for Night Elves and Gnomes.


And if you go engineering and get some eogg’s, you can be dauntingly yuuuughe.

Agreed, though I’m one of the guilty. sigh

The beauty of going Worgen also is that I could play as a Human, should I so choose. Seems like a win-win, in that respect–along with the faster running ability.

I still am soooo tempted to try a Gnome DK, but… I already have created a Worgen, Draenei and a Nelf (all female) with the intent on trying each before choosing one. I’m having remorse, since I can’t delete the excess ones, unless I do some questing to get to the first mailbox. I should’ve thought things through a bit more before I got overzealous with character creation…

There is that issue, too. If I’m being totally honest, Gnomes, especially, look purely comical in heavy plate armor. And I already have a silly Gnome for the giggle factor, so I guess that Gnome is out.

Draenei and Worgen are my remaining options. (Still may have to go Worgen, since I recently started playing two Draenei and only have one Worgen atm.)

I like alien/exotic races. Gift of the Naaru is also very useful for a class that otherwise can’t heal outside of melee range. Also males look great in plate.


If you have a character that is at least 110, there is an item found around some of the mailboxes around Legion Dalaran that I believe is called Abandoned Mail. It starts a questline that takes you to the Dalaran mailroom and at the completion of the questline you get the toy “Katy’s Stampwhistle”. It summons a “ghost” gnome that grants you mailbox access.

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Katy stampwhistle toy, my friend.

Find lost mail in new dal, complete they silly quests, profit.

4hr CD on each character, stays for about 5 minutes.

Suffer well.

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Gnooooome. Ya know ya wanna…


Dang it all! Now I’m back to seriously debating a Draenei DK. Faster Worgen running is a plus, but healing ability is nothing to sneeze at, either. (I’d only play a female, though; I agree with those people who call males “fridges on toothpicks.” Plus, I’m a female who’s biased toward female characters.)

Well, holy crap! I have that quest still sitting on my lvl-120 hunter. This news is my motivation for completing it.

True, a part of me still wants to, but… If I’m being honest with myself, I know that I’d enjoy playing a more serious-looking character. (I’m cool with having my Gnome Monk. I also have a Mage and Warlock waiting in the wings.)

you have gno other choice

I’ve been a gnome from the get go and have found times when I’m not a gnome that I miss escape artist since without wraith walk we are susceptible to roots in PVE. I like being a tiny ball of death, particularly with a blood DK where we are right now in the xpac because we’re durable.

Transmog is sometimes frustrating because specific pieces can be broken for gnomes and it doesn’t get fixed (like Warglaives of Azzinoth or many polearms being on backwards when sheathed and hiding the art). Overall though, it’s been fun for me since it’s unique. I feel like I see humans, worgen, and elf all the time and rarely (if ever) see a fellow gnome DK.

Separately, it just so happens that when you’re a gnome, you get turned into a goblin in battle for dazar’alor and I’ve found rocket jump to be a pretty sweet movement ability.

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I enjoy the concept that I was once a zealous follower of the Light, cut down mid-battle, and raised to fight in the Lich King’s army. Clearly the Draenei barely tolerate me as I am the complete opposite of everything they hold themselves to be. I am massively imposing in my armor and have chosen a more armored grim-reaper look (still trying to get my UH artifact hidden mog appearance that looks like a scythe). I don’t see too many Draenei DKs, which is something I consider and enjoy whenever I level a toon.

gotta Get those rookie numbers up!

Also, rtf Here. Like, exactly right here. Lol

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I see you. We’re just the few and the proud.

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