Race lore questions

Well, Aztec aesthetics lived in by people from Wakanda.

This makes me feel like we need a Blackrock mountain Battleground with Dark Iron dwarves vs Blackrock orcs.

It would be nice if they started giving visual elements to rings and necklaces.

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lol. Fair enough.

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Speaking of necks… does anyone besides me notice that Lady Ashvane is the only NPC to wear a Heart of Azeroth?

guys stop talking about transmog in this post feel free to make your own its annoying getting notified every time you guys talk about necklaces and crap lol this is a lore thread post asking about the new races not transmogs

You really should know us better. As soon as you invoke hall-monitoring, we do the opposite like the irritating 5 year olds we are.

So I played Legion super casually and missed out on so much cool gear :frowning:

I just discovered the cosmetic sets from ToV. Ugh. Now to get the 1000 soul shards…

I would so love for Wakanda to get an Aztec revamp.

And you can also throw a bit of Sub-Saharan African in there as well. That’s where a lot of the spear and wooden shield wielding warrior aesthetic comes from. Also Some troll words and names use languages like Swahili. And the origination of voodoo is based on the tribal religions of west Africa and some of that spills over into the troll voodoo/loa of WoW.

Unfortunately there are so many reasons for someone to decide that they’re unhappy the only thing I can suggest to you is that you make use of the Trial character feature and try them BOTH OUT.

There is a toy that add a visual ring on your finger:

So if Blizzard is unable, or unwilling, to add visuals for rings, they could always just add more toys like above with different color hues (and something similar for neck pieces).

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I have played trials of both lol

Trolls are never portrayed wearing plate armor. Not even the Zandalari. The closest I’ve seen to Troll “plate” is the Darkspear sentry armor. It’s like made out of wood. The Zandalari leveling plate gear doesn’t look like plate. It’s more like ornate gold. I think it’s pretty cool. The most “plate” looking Zanda themed gear I remember are the Shaman tier sets. ToT and Antorus.

Orcs are inspired by the Germanic cultures of Europe. I’ve never gotten the mongol vibe from them tbqh, but that’s just me. Maybe I’m being eurocentric, but I saw the parallels of migratory barbarian tribes leaving their homeland to sack the most powerful city in the world and then carving up kingdoms from its lands as something very similar to the fall of the western Roman empire.

Orcs have been known to wear armor, but it’s usually just the more elite of their warriors like the Kor’kron. For mag’har I’d suggest the Blackrock clan. They’re like the main logistical clan that outfit their grunts with blackrock armor. Plus, the BRH mythic tier for warriors has wheels. :train::train::train:

yeah thats what i thought. ill prob roll with a mag orc warrior and make a zandalari troll monk ty for the input :slight_smile:

Here’s the answer that everyone seems to dance around.

You are not going to break lore by wearing plate armor no matter what race you choose, orc, troll, or night elf for that matter.

You’re not going to break lore by your choice of race or class, whatever combination you choose it is BY DEFINITION, founded in lore.

Make your choice and run with it.

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