Hey, all like you I’ve been playing WoW for a long time.
I’ve also took a break for a month or two here and there; to try other MMO’s when WoW was lacking. One thing I liked from the other games was customization. Something WoW lacks.
It would be cool if the Devs read this and get some ideas to put in WoW.
Human males: more young faces, different facial hair options. Tattoos, perhaps male piercings.
Dwarf: more beards they are dwarfs come on! + where’s my wild hammer customization???
Night elf: black hair option for all Nelfs not just DH. night warrior eyes available for DH’s as well. Night warrior eyes not be solely stuck on one skin color. Men should have markings like the females I mean look at malfurion.
Gnomes: they eyebrow and facial hair option should be separate I despise having no eyebrows on some of my beards. Gnome females are okay rn.
Draenei: I want my flipping naaru symbol too! Tattoos please.
Worgen: seperate customization for the wolf and the human please. I want a tail. I want to be able to toggle my form. male Worgen ears need to be a seperate option.
Pandaren: needs more skin colors and beards. Maybe a couple hairdtyles.
Void elf: save the alliance give them high elf options. Example: light hair, light skin, tattoos. Rename them i don’t care fix it. People ordered high Elfs not void Elfs it’s like ordering a hamburger and u receive a tofu burger wtf. This will also make people quit crying; and so horde will join as well lol.
Light forge Draenei: more hair and colors. More skin tones.
Dark iron dwarf: at a good spot.
Kul tiran: more faces!!! More skin colors!! More hairstyles!!!
Orc: more faces, more hair! War paint ??
Undead: red eye option, more hair styles, upright posture. A option to cover bones; like the Chinese models back in the day.
Tauren: more horns, warpaint, more hair and faces.
Troll: more hair, more faces, war paint, men upright posture.
Blood elf: more golden eye faces 3 is to little. Maybe velf and bell can share hairstyles.
Goblin getting update but female faces need to be different they all look the same.
Nightborne: new faces, skin, hairstyles.
High mountain: more skin more faces more hair.
Maghar orc: pretty okay
Zandalar troll: more faces more hair