Race change and faction change coming to Barbershop!


Guys, you have to understand. The folks in marketing are just going to do stuff like this, in a big gaming company. Nobody in game development or accounting is going to check it.

Does somebody have to approve it? Sure. Might be somebody at Microsoft who’s never even logged into WoW, though.

Marketing departments live in a whole different world from people who actually play.

(Obviously nobody knows for sure. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.)


I imagine if you changed faction it would port you to your new factions capitol to avoid accidental murder.


Fight your way out of the barber with lives remaining is gonna be a tough cheevo.


I think I understand now why Blizz devs are so careful talking about anything.


You can also see how covenants got reinforced as a good idea… still I want this…

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Literally dont care
free race changes is a win for every player, if it happens


I’d hold that thought until we know what’s up.

They are not going to just throw away a revenue stream without some shenanigan’s, mark my words child.


They just had a sale for these services I think those people would be more upset, unless there’s some type of credit or compensation

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It’s possible…gender change used to be a paid service…Not sure I’d race change any characters, even for free. But it would be nice to see the option.


I won’t lie I would when pushing 2400+ in pvp. Interrupting a big cast via fade is massive in arena.

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I’d change a lot, but I won’t pay for it.


If they decide to let us race change/faction change at the barber, they might take racials away.

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how does allowing more choice result in less choice?

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That video was a joke about how a haircut makes you feel.


More likely the barbershop will start requiring WoW tokens.


No. lol Its a meme. There is no way they are going to give up one of their shop services that still brings in the money.


It was only a $10 charge to charge gender. Race/Faction is $25 a piece, $17.50 each when sales are going on. They’re not going to take that away unless there’s a huge dip in those services being paid for.

(edited: corrected change to charge)


They could. The people that are willing to spend $X on a race/faction change are likely to take that $X and buy whatever new store mount or cosmetic they pump out.

It absolutely could be. But if it is, it was a really short sighted joke. They know how the WoW community gets lol

There has been.
Levelling is insanely fast and very few things are character-tied anymore.

I’m aware, I still say doubtful.

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is it april first already?

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