Guys, you have to understand. The folks in marketing are just going to do stuff like this, in a big gaming company. Nobody in game development or accounting is going to check it.
Does somebody have to approve it? Sure. Might be somebody at Microsoft who’s never even logged into WoW, though.
Marketing departments live in a whole different world from people who actually play.
(Obviously nobody knows for sure. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.)
It was only a $10 charge to charge gender. Race/Faction is $25 a piece, $17.50 each when sales are going on. They’re not going to take that away unless there’s a huge dip in those services being paid for.
They could. The people that are willing to spend $X on a race/faction change are likely to take that $X and buy whatever new store mount or cosmetic they pump out.
It absolutely could be. But if it is, it was a really short sighted joke. They know how the WoW community gets lol
There has been.
Levelling is insanely fast and very few things are character-tied anymore.