No…. But could you see them adding a seasonal battle pass that comes with unlimited race changes?
Until it isn’t much of a revenue stream. At that point it might be a possibility. I don’t believe we’ve reached that point though.
It’s always been a bit cludgy how a faction or race change can be bought in game but you have to log out of the world and and make the selections in the character select screen. Other purchases such as mounts, transmog sets, toys, or the WoW Token will populate in your collection immediately without making you leave the game.
Perhaps the change is that you can go to the barber shop now to implement a race/faction change in game instead of doing it in the character select screen. But leaving these as paid services.
To me, it was a joke to say that getting a swank haircut makes the little Gnome feel like a big bad Tauren!
Even the text on it alludes to that. “And that was just a trim!” I’ve felt that way sometimes about just trimming my own hair.
Women will get it. LOL
Yeah, the logistics of this would make me believe it’s probably never going to happen, even if they weren’t charging for the service. But I mean…I guess there’s nothing stopping them from just letting you pick the race from a drop-down menu and using the barbershop interface for the rest. I still don’t think this is very likely.
On today’s episode of “People getting hyped over something they’re inventing from a gag they saw”…
Oh, is this your first time for this?
Love it and hate it. I just brought a race change like 3 days ago dammit!
Seems really out of character that they’d give up the income from those services
If they did this, they’d have to put up a public apology for every Blizzard developer that lived through and wasted their time on redesigning racial ability changes since 2004.
It’s a meme.
They also used to have gender change as a paid service and possibly some others they have removed that I might have forgotten about.
There might just not be enough money in it anymore to warrant keeping it on the store, just put it in game for free, keep it updated with any other changes they need to make to the barber shop and amalgamate it with team who update all that.
It would make sense from a business perspective if it is not making enough money to do it this way.
Thats why i said if
Pfthahaha, when has blizzard ever cared about that? The number of threads I have seen over the years of stuff like “I just bought X service yesterday and now its on sale, I deserve a credit” or such… yeah, I don’t think Blizzard will care.
Yeah, it’s amazing how few people remember this XD
My question is how it would be handled in an enemy capital. You get a haircut in org and change to dwarf and suddenly the barber jabs their scissors in your character’s neck and whispers “Traitor”
ok there is not a chance that they are gonna make Faction changes free.
Not being rude compadre but I saw that add and what you’re saying is the last thing I thought about . They make hella skrilla on those services they aren’t gonna gank themselves
pandas were supposed to be a meme! not the ones to destroy wow!! how could you pandakin!!
Actually they do care, I’ve seen people who have made said posts also contact support and get assistance.
When I brought my race change like 3 days ago I accidently brought the faction change, same price, got a refund no issues, you would be surprised what they do.
Good point, maybe neutral city barbers only? Or are they finally also going to remove that and allow factions to visit opposing cities? I’d rather the later, but the former is also a good compromise to free faction and race changes.
Right, but then again they also made it so you can play with anyone on any server, eating in on server transfers income since there is no real value in being on specific servers anymore. You can mail across servers, cross faction. You can join any guild on any server. Then they also put Gender change in game via barber without needing a paid service.
I won’t say its impossible.
Maybe they just teleport you out of the city? Dunno, regardless I wonder if they will come out and clarify.
Then again, we are also suppose to be learning more about player housing soon for Midnight, maybe this is also a teaser of more to come with Midnight? Grasping really on my part.
Nothings impossible friend just highly unlikely
People said the same thing about many other changes they have made, notably paid service changes such as gender and the ever forgotten guild server changes that is no longer a thing either.