Quitting until Classic

Anyone else quit retail until Classic?


Can I have your pet collection?

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I’ve stopped playing retail once I finished the war campaign. I’m currently waiting for Zandalar Trolls which when they come up i’ll play the game heavily again. Really want to make that Troll Paladin.

Quit like 9 years ago, bud. You’re late.


Pretty much.i swear if the swg killer coe cancles classic im going private servers.

I quit the moment I saw Classic was announced tbh… I aint giving a dime till I get a real MMO back.


I had, but then I realized I had a ton of stockpiled gold. So now I’m working on maxing my stockpiled game time tokens while they’re cheap so I can play the first few months of classic without buying a sub.

I did. A few of my friends are still playing it, but all the classes feel dead. I really can’t stand how my mage plays in BfA.

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Yeah I basically lost all interest in the game once they announced classic, waiting patiently like every one else for the release date lol

-Sinclaire -Torch-


Lol. Love my collection. Only leveled tradable pets, I’m keeping them forever. Didn’t even sell my guardian cub.

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Lol. Yea. I’m just poking fun. I already have that one. Like one or two cats from Crazy Catman title.

I may as well cancel. I think I log on once a week to do emissary and a couple bg’s. If that. Maybe I’ll play today. /shrug

Nope - it is still a fun game.

Not the best - definitely not the worst its been.
Won’t be playing as much as I did in legion, for example.

I still enjoy the cutscenes, campaign and even fooling around on Warfronts and Warmode.
I also consider it practice for Vanilla - levelling a warlock and going to practice using engineering items like bombs etc…

Nice. Yeah before I quit I was just logging on to do my weekly 10s.

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I think most people here quit, you still don’t need a sub to post here do you? I still pay my own sub to make gold and convert to B. net balance though, i doubt crafting one or two items every other day is really “playing” and i don’t have the xpack.

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I hadn’t played retail since the second week after BfA came out (except for logging in for the anniversary), but the other day on a whim I decided to make a new level 1 character. After having played nothing but private servers for months, it was a real shock. I’ll likely quit again, but who knows.

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Correct you don’t need a sub to post here. But yeah Troll Paladins and dinomancers are going to keep me in retail for some time.

Yeah the game wasn’t really worth the price anymore to me. I had more fun doing collection stuff than playing the game anymore. The treadmill just got too boring for me.

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Nope, I will continue playing. I unlocked flight in other zones and there are a lot of things I can do to catch up like leveling my pets, running old dungeons for achievements. I might even bang out a couple new alts :slight_smile: I find the excitement of Classic is too much to handle if I just sat there everyday without retail lol

I’ve quit after a few weeks. Bored to death. Waiting for classic to come out. Playing on a private WOTLK server and having a blast. Real talent tree, lvling professions, 2 full bars of skills to use instead of just 4-5, grinding honor pts and emblems for my gear to buy from vendors, buy the gear I need and want instead of having random loots and the same piece of gear over and over, every class feels different… that’s the game I enjoy!

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Me. I just did not take to BFA at all. Too bad since I really enjoyed Legion.

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