Quitting FFXIV! Game Unplayable

I think you might have found your way onto the wrong forums. These are the Warcraft forums, not the FFXIV forums. The internet is difficult, huh?


did you try turning it off and back on again?

(source: every IT “expert” ever) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


based on the amount of FFIV threads we see here, this is the right place.


No offense, but it’s very very easy to set up an account on that game’s website and launcher. It just takes a little bit of reading and a little bit of comprehension.


I’m literally looking at a screen with 28 individual steps to setup an authenticator…

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Idk what to tell you. I found it extremely easy to set up and use all the features. The mog website is a little outdated but takes a few moments to figure out where to find things.

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hope this is a meme, so my friends could be wrong that only boomers play wow.

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This video is a little over a minute long lol:

I feel like it’s probably not as hard as you make it out to be, but even the people saying they’ve done it make it sound like it takes far more steps than is really necessary.

Just because you can add extra hoops, doesn’t mean that you should.

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I was trying the free trial. I can’t use that option because I don’t have a standard account or registration code.

Then you download the trial and follow the steps lol.

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The YouTube video describing the free trial steps is 15 minutes long…

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What the flux? He skipped right over the one-time password!

One time password is their security code thing lol.

Is it really quitting if you never started? Reminds me of when I started FF7 when it was first released. I thought it had “too many buttons.”

FF14 is well worth the effort of making it through installation …


LOL…the one-time password is optional!?

I’ve never seen a login screen before that asked for a “one-time password” that was optional.

If you don’t have it, you literally just leave it blank.

Good lord…



Since when do you leave stuff blank on a login screen?

When it doesn’t apply to logging in is my guess.

Especially when it literally states optional on it.