Quiting the game again

I’m again quitting the game because I just can’t play it. I waste hours on LFG trying to find people to play and they just quit on first loss.

Today I spent 3 hours online on LFG, played 11 games with 7 different teams. It feels like people on lfg are just looking for carries and don’t accept a single loss. It is so stupid, frustrating and a waste of time.


Hope solo shuffe is balanced enough to not need LFG ever again…


Eh lfg is bad but it’s active and sometimes you get lucky. I only lfg to push on my toons and my friends probably are about 40 percent of my games outside of that

Like 3k - 5k game split across all toons this ssn

That is a rare thing to have. I wish my friends played wow. You are lucky bro


Whats your gear like? (Cant check it on mobile very well)

Are you getting good setups for combust? Or just coming out of invis spamming damage?

Whats your attitude like? Ive played with several people that are multi glads in lfg this season just kind of through luck and trying to keep a good attitude, admitting when i do something stupid, and being more chill. A lot of higher rated players dont seem to really care that much about cr, they just actually enjoy the game like i do.

Make your own groups in lfg, be up front about your experience and skill level, and youll find a team. First loss leavers will always exist, but you can help prevent that by being a better player. If they leave, ggs, go next. Even if both partners leave, queue up again and watch some youtube or something. This isnt blizzcon, it should be a relaxing learning experience or youre just going to hate it.

And dont try to play meta comps, it makes no difference in the amount of fun youll have. Play whatever, if you happen to find teammates that fit the meta that’s just a bonus

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It is not just on my mage. My gear is as good as the cr. I normally dont speak much, I just call targets and try to be nice. I play a lot with ppl that say they are glad xp in notes as well, that does not matter. Today for example I won 5 in a row with a team then they left first loss, it is really stupid like that.

Im just tired of wasting time on lfg, maybe I’ll come back next expansion to try out the solo shuffle ranked, hope it is not a mess like it is right now.

What I really wanted was a solo Q for 2s and 3s where I could select the comps I want to play with and click play… Maybe the Queues would be long but we have to waste toons of time on the LFG anyway. At least with if it was solo q I would just click play and wait, if I lose I just click play again…

100% agree. LFG this season is worse than ever. So much so, even I dont want to step in their if I dont have to. Youre chances of finding someone decent are like 80/20. I.E. 80% chance to find a bad partner vs a good one. Next XPAC should be better with gear equalization.


Why not roll a healer

The problem is not the role, it is ppl wanting to be carried and they don’t take loses. Even playing a healer it would be necessary to waste time on lfg any way. The problem will remain the same

No it won’t

If you play a higher demand role than your skill level, you will not have to deal with people nexting you on a single loss


Generally people leave because they’re anticipating future losses based off what happened in a single game. A dps player getting killed in the opener and neglecting to press anything for instance.

Healers find people easier, have more options (can play with higher mmr) and because of this people and generally more lenient with the healer making mistakes.


They’re right. Healing is dope.


Can i have your gold?


As healer you can apply to groups requesting higher exp than what you got and still get accepted. Also you get insta invites to about anything you apply for so you skim LFG and pick the ez comps.

Speaking of ez comps it’s been wild to me how easy it is finding rshams in lfg this week. Did an rsham influencer recently leak the fact that boomdh is free rating or what? I swear it was hard to find healers last week


Was that before they announced the season end date?

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That’s probably it lol

Hoping next season is rather brisk and we avoid the “waiting for inflation” lull that happens.


as someone who’s reached Duelist this season on two character (prot pala is closing in on duelist too :wink: ) soon to be three, I can tell you that players who leave after 1 loss are doing you a flavor and saving you time. This happens to me all the time. What do I do? I move on to the next player until I reach my goals. That’s just the name of the game now and that is why I wont step into LFG unless I absolutely have to. This is why I ALSO have such little games played this season. :relaxed: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



553 games is such little games?