Quit the game

If you PvP as DK, literally just quit the game i dont know how much more clear it can be that the developers of this game maliciously hate this class, and do everything in their power to give it the most disgusting heavy handed nerfs possible, despite the fact that it didnt even need them in the first place

They do absolutely nothing to buff the class up and make it more enjoyable, and if they do it lasts legit a week before its nerfed back into uselessness

Its been 3 expansions now, 6-8 years of the same old crap


they have created their own monster. the class got nerfed so stubborn mains learned how to play with basically nothing, then when the class gets buffed those same mains who do everything with nothing now have nothing and something, this turns them into unstoppable killing machines for which blizzard has no answer other than to nerf the class back into the gutter.


quite literally this

its been over 6 years of me having to try 20x harder than on other specs to win games, and squeeze out victory, When my class is actually fair and competitive i usually end up stomping people so bad they cry overpowered


Yep… And that’s the thing, Death Knights should be monsters. They were scourge.

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In lore they are, but when it comes to getting into the mud and weeds of class balance, lore doesnt matter.


WoW is not a PvP game.

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it should be, would be twice as good


Which effectively equates to Blizzard actively punishing us for being good at the game after they straight up forced us to learn to play better than everyone else.

Then why arent any of you in the AWC? These skills should be transferable to other classes. So where are these highly skilled Death Knights having to work much harder to win transferring to other classes and just dominating everyone? Its the same 3-4 people making all these claims with absolutely nothing to show for it.

funny enough, i think the highest killing blow and honor kill count i ever got on a single toon was an alt i was leveling in korraks. i lost the original reflex data in an OS update, but it was something stupid like 280 killing blows.

Don’t bother responding to it. It’s just here to bait, as usual. Ignore it, and it will eventually go away.

Anywho, 280 in one game? That ain’t bad at all. Last time I saw numbers like that was years ago in a Wintergrasp where we trapped the Alliance in a GY and just farmed them til the clock ran out instead of breaking the towers.

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So classic Alterac… a battleground. Why should I care because I was directly talking about these people like Etrich and Chillpills not doing anything of note in really anything. They talk like gods among men but they arent out there dominating AWC or anything. These 2 are some of the most toxic people on these forums, dehumanizing others while doing nothing but complaining. Why arent they taking this godlike skill they apparently have to other classes and just dominating everything?

Etrich will be gone soon enough just like the people they were trying to defend that have been banned. Calling other people it… how very 1940’s germany of them.

yea the moment i saw the 15% nerfs while the specs that were way stronger than dk remained untouched, i instantly stopped playing the game, and my subs running out before the end of the week.

Crazy how its already been like 3 weeks and feral still hasn’t been touched.


why don’t you use your godlike stubbornness to argue with blizzard in favor of DK buffs and changes instead of being a thorn in the side of the entire DK community?


Blizzard: “under Microsoft we have turned a new leaf, we’ve changed for the better, we promise”

also Blizzard: nerfs and gaslights DKs for the 5th expac in a row.

if blizzard was a person, we would call them a narcissistic psychopath and call the police on them while boxing up all their girlfriends stuff to move back in with her mother.

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Because DK is in a good state, its not my fault that everyone just wants to be overpowered instead of balanced.

And stop throwing around gaslighting because none of you actually knows what it means. Its just becoming one of those terms that loses all meaning because everything is trolling, everything is gaslighting, everything is this that or the other. Its lost all meaning.

ah yes, the old “everyone is wrong, kelliste is right” line. anyway…

Ah yes, the lets not address anything that is actually said and do useless mockery posts.

there are a lot of classes in a good state, its just that u have clear outliers that make all the good specs look like trash. like in d4 rn, all the base classes are good relative to eachother, but then there’s spiritborn that makes the base specs look 10 seasons behind.

feral isn’t as broken as spiritborn is, but the dmg its doing is on par with unholy dk, while it has more control than assa rogue. If feral was put in its place then i think dk will be playable

I’ve pretty well given up on feral being put in its place at this point. Special mention for frost mages getting a buff for some incomprehensible reason, while we’re at it.