Happy holidays folks.
Quick question. I’m sitting here at Lethias, trying to form a group as none exist for it, and it’s unfortunately the first of the Originals I visited.
Anyway, a level 45 character just swooped down and one shot the dragon, and then just up and flew off. Is that possible under normal circumstances? I never did The Originals on a low level character.
Just asking because I don’t want to suspect wrongdoing, nor waste multiple folks time with a report without merit.
Thank you in advance!
That…doesn’t sound like something that should be able to happen. But scaling is weird, so I can’t say one way or another here.
Yeah, I learned that through Timewalking that scaling is a bit wacky, so I’m really not sure if they’re able to one shot one of the Anny world bosses before a certain threshold, or if something else is going on.
I know I sure can’t, I tried once, that was very much enough to convince me.
Actually, that shouldn’t be possible. World Bosses from the 20th Anniversary are scaled accordingly to level, regardless of time walking campaign or level. Yes, level scaling is out of wack and unbalanced, but even lower levels wouldn’t be able to 1 shot any of the anniversary world bosses.
You’ll need to report it to hacks@blizzard.com
If you have any video footage or even screenshots, submit those into the report as well.
If talking about Lethlas
This isn’t from the anniversary, and can be 1 shot, even by a level 45.
Wouldn’t Lethon be the anniversary dragon?
Lethlas is just a regular one for quests.
I think he meant Lethon. I never heard of Lethlas, even WoWHead doesn’t have any NPC shown with the name Lethlas.
EDIT: Sorry, my bad.
I’m…going to have to double check. That’s where the quest marker told me to go and I know it’s one of the Nightmare Dragons. Give me a sec and I’ll edit accordingly.
Aforementioned Edit: Yup, it’s Lethlas. Not sure why the quest marker told me to go there…Anyway, yeah, makes sense a 45 would one shot a 30 quest mob.
This is why I wanted to double check! Thank you all for your help. This can be closed up or whatever, not much else to add.
Not sure, but I have seen the quest markers for the Originals quest get a little wonky (possibly due to the Nightmare Dragons constantly rotating).
So if you are doing the Originals quest, then the Dragon of Nightmare up today should be Taerar and they are located in the far NE corner of Ashenvale.
The main “wonkiness” I’m aware of with the quest markers for The Originals quest is that the quest objective marker shows where the nearest potential target is. For Kazzak and Azuregos, they remain valid objectives every day, so the quest marker for them remains correct. But only one of the four possible Dragons of Nightmare is up any given day, but the quest indicator doesn’t know which one is up today, and will point at the nearest dragons spawn point, even if it’s not today’s dragon. You could camp an empty useless spawnpoint all day if you trust the quest marker too much. Which is why the map objective display is the only one to trust.
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