Queues last 1 week tops

Stop being so entitled.

It will pass, in less than a week any queues will be a long forgotten distant memory.

This is not the mountain you’re all making it out the be.

You simply need better discipline and patience.

If you took the day off for launch, well your dumb, taking a day off work to play a video game doesn’t entitle you to anything.

Any inconvenience is your own fault from your lack of foresite and constant disregarding of warnings from players telling you exactly what a typical day 1 launch looks like.

I suspect all the queue whiners arnt even classic fans, just dumb hype beast boys that have to be there day 1 because of HYPE.

Once hype goes so do they.

Basically the players complaining about needing a perfect day 1 are cancer player’s that will end up leaving anyway.

No one that plans on playing long term gives a crap about launch chaos, it’s a good metric to see who is a real classic player and who’s a zoomer just here for twitch hype.

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Enjoy your queues on Harold for months.


I’m in for the long haul. If I can’t log in on launch day, I’ll try again the next. I’m far more concerned about keeping a healthy population after the drop off.


Nope, 1 week tops.

Once the rush is over and people start going back to work/life and logins are more spread out everything will be fine.

You underestimate the pserver community of neets. They all went Harold.

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The attitude of a normal healthy player, bravo sir for not being like the rest of the entitled idiots.

Yet you sound worried about Harold’s pop for some reason. Is it already on the decline?

The blue post seems to directly contradict your idea that it’ll last only a week for the Herod realm. People need to move or the queues will possibly last months.

“If all existing players on this server remain there, login queues in excess of 10,000 players are a certainty, and possibly much higher than that.”

“with severe queues when we turn off layering permanently before Phase 2 of our content unlock plan.”

Is that on launch/phase patch day only or do you expect lengthy queues (up to several hours) during regular weekdays after the first week aswell?

This is something we are definitely keeping an eye on and making adjustments as needed. Due to all the excitement, we are expecting lengthy queues for at least the first week after launch.

I mean they specifically said they expect it to last at least a week. So it could be longer, not trying to be a downer. Just be prepared.

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And they also said: “with severe queues when we turn off layering permanently before Phase 2 of our content unlock plan.”

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Yea, that too. Just be aware of the situation. It could be worse, or it could be better. We won’t know until it actually happens.

No where is that statement did it give a time frame for queues.

I had queues of 7 thousand in wod, guess what, 1 week later the queues were gone.

Hell it only took 2-3 days for the queue to drop to 2-3k.

You people understand launch day has 10x as many people logging on and this numbers significantly drops off with every passing day right… right?

You idiots actually think 1 week from now the exact same amount of people will be trying to log in?

I’m quoting what Blizz said. Take it or leave it. They warned you. They specifically mentioned severe queues once layering is turned off, which won’t happen until phase 2, so that’s a time frame of a couple of months, give or take.

I don’t need a warning I’m not an idiot I know what happens on mmo launches.

I work weekends so I don’t even need to take a day off. Can’t wait for the queue times :slight_smile:

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Blizz has given two timeframes: “at least the first week after launch.” and “when we turn off layering permanently before Phase 2”

They’ve even said the queues could be in the 10s of thousands.

What steps are being taken to ensure that at launch, the same thing doesn’t happen on an even grander scale during the initial rush?

We’re planning a number of fixes to improve that experience. First, we’ve already begun opening new realms and we encourage people to switch to them. We’ve also increased the size of the realm queues, so they can hold more people before disconnecting them. And we’ve improved the error message you get, so that you’ll know you’re being disconnected because the queue is full, instead of getting a generic disconnect message.

They even mention this here, which seems to indicate that there is a possibility queues will be so high that you might even get disconnected from it being capped.

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If there are queues when layering gets shut off they will open more realms with free transfers.

And the first statement literally says queues for only a week after launch.

The second is addressing potential queues after layering is turned off, which has nothing to do with launch and is an ez fix with transfers.

stop telling an entitled generation to stop being entitled.

it won’t ever work

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Queues drop off because people start getting into a rhythm and don’t all play at the same times, have different schedules ect.

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