Queues are ridiculous

So my question is:

If Retail has a higher population than Classic and no queues, why does Classic not use the same server management methods?

I’m no tech expert, but common sense tells me that this should be a thing. Am I on the money or is there a techie answer as to why it’s not?

thats what layers are for

Why not have free transfers on existing realms, with hard capped balance -/+ 10% for new accounts and lock the fresh start servers forever. Player choice, if it becomes unbalanced or long que’d, you can just leave. Is there a reason something like this is impossible?

You’re not to blame. They should of never allowed freeroam paid transfers and this wouldn’t of ever been an issue.

I just can’t imagine how many people have cancelled their subs because of these Queues plaguing almost every server at this point. It’s a shame because there’s a lot of people who may have returned or come to love the game, and won’t now.

Where is the communication? Everything about this is just ridiculous…

They’re using layering. It should be horizontally scalable. Just add more layers or better yet start using sharding when queues get out of control.

On retail you have mixed realms, you’re able to see players from other realms phase in and out around you I believe

They only speak to the privileged on their special community forum.

Im a new player and new to the forum, could you elaborate?

No we wanted maga servers that don’t have a 10k pop cap… Or at least have layers.

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