Queue times

I’m sorry I didn’t see any other posts, is anyone on the mega servers experiencing queue times? It’s almost like slamming the entire faction of a game into one server would have consequences? Who coulda seen this coming ?


Imagine being such a pathetic simp that you go out of your way to defend a multi billion dollar company that allowed this to happen.

This is an issue completely created by blizzard by allowing server transfers for $$$ and not putting a limit on how many people can be on a server. Or simply investing into better hardware.


Can you imagine if they banned transfers to bene? You’d be sitting here raging about that.

There is literally a “the server you picked is full, you may experience queue times”

Then you all cry about queue times and it’s someone else’s fault.

Why would I? I was on benediction before it was considered full.

You’re actually dumb.


You seem like the person who falls asleep at the wheel and crashes their car then tries to sue the road for not having rumble strips to wake you.


Can you not read?
I was on benediction week 1 of TBC. There were no queues. There had never been queues.

Thanks to blizzard not disabling xfers, rerolls, investing into better hardware I’m now sitting in a 3 hour queue. The only option blizzard has given is to let people to go old blanchy or sulfuras which are both dead and will remain dead.

This is a 100% blizzard created issue as they are the company responsible for maintaining servers, not the player.


So the better option would have been to lock the server and prevent people from playing with friends?

That sounds like a good plan, no one would rage about that I’m guessing.

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The better option would be for a multi billion dollar company to come up with alternatives. Like investing into better hardware or using the same system they have on live.

If limiting was done day 1 there wouldn’t even be any issue. We’d have multiple 5-10k capped servers to choose from.


With 4.4 million subs, do you think that they can afford some better servers while raking in over $72 million/month? I think they can.


FF14 locked down new players coming in while they fixed their servers. Seemed to work

Also there is no winning here. Because there is no cross server you get the following:

  • Play on servers your friends play on, but have hours long queues.
  • Play on low population servers with friends who inevitably stop playing and there’s no one to play with because server is dead. (happened to me on Kromkrush).

The ‘social aspect’ is gone, the old school feeling of server community can’t be recaptured. We live in different times. Just implement cross server groups and this problem is gone instantly.


This 100%.

It’s time we stop acting like “social aspect died with cross realm” mythology. There are two (three if you count Grobb) mega-servers. Nobody on a 15,000 person realm is going to care that people from other realms are on your screen if it means actually playing the game and not waiting 6 hours in a queue.

Also, with the last server purge/consolidation that happened a month ago, it’s obvious that smaller servers will just wither and die when you can’t even find a raid group or healthy auction house.

Cross realm the small and mega-servers already so the small pops don’t die and queue times become irrelevant (or at least small like 30 minutes).

Leave a couple of servers alone that want to be isolated. Problem solved.

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