"Queue times will not be affected"

Since the recent matchmaking (MM) algorithm update, which was designed to reduce class stacking and create more balanced CR/MMR among teams, my queue times have more than tripled compared to pre-patch averages. As I write this, I’m sitting in a queue that’s approaching 40 minutes at 6 PM EST on a Saturday. I’ve had three queue pops, each of which was declined by other players, extending my wait even longer.

Something needs to be done to reduce these excessive queue times, as the match quality hasn’t improved enough to justify the wait. When there’s an overabundance of certain classes in the queue, it becomes nearly impossible to get into a match. If these players are paired with a healer, they seem to have a much higher chance of entering high-MMR games.

Additionally, there should be a penalty for players who repeatedly decline queue pops. I often experience delays of 10-15 minutes because someone declines, only to end up back in the queue. Many of these players are likely coordinating with friends on Discord to sync their queues—essentially manipulating the ladder. Implementing a deserter penalty for those who miss more than one queue pop within an hour would help address this. Occasional misses are understandable, but repeated declines—especially by those aiming to get into specific lobbies with their win-trading allies—are frustrating. It’s disheartening to finally see a queue pop, only for a “queue-syncing, ladder-manipulating win trader” to decline it and force me back into a prolonged wait.

As a solo DPS, I’ve already sat through multiple queues over an hour long since the patch. If players continue facing these extended wait times without meaningful play opportunities, they may start unsubscribing. Participation is already on the decline, and if it falls further, queues will only grow longer, creating a negative cycle. Please, Blizzard, address this issue by penalizing the players who repeatedly decline queues for ladder manipulation. I rarely miss a queue myself, aside from the occasional AFK moment. Introducing a system to track and penalize those who spam-decline would greatly improve the experience for everyone.


My average wait time is about 15-19 minutes now. Thats pretty wild


Have you considered paragraphs?

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Bgblitz wintrading backet ?

I shall take matters into my own hands sooner or later

fixed it sorry was ranting cuz i was upset

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The matchmaking has definitely improved, and is well worth the wait.

As a tank I would often get yanked down from my 2300-2400 mmr games into 1700-1800 mmr games because there are not a whole lot of us around that bracket. This was a nightmare because of the coinflip either giving me little to no rating for a win, or a big mmr/cr hit if I lose.

Since the patch I have not had a single game where I was more than 75 rating off from the team mmr.

1750 atm and queue times for me are anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes. Average I’d say is 18 minutes or so. It’s ridiculous.

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Maybe there’s just less people queuing?

The queue times are over twice the length of a match easy. That’s really unacceptable.

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More players = a fix for almost everything.


But the way its designed is running off the player base… Queue Sync Premades power farming players is not fun. Massive player participation drop off says it all.

Atm its random players vs Premades.

30+ mins queues plus the time of the game on top of the outcome and if it’s a loss you’re most likely not getting conquest or you get 15? 30? it’s not even worth it.

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Even with 30 minute queues, you still get 1 sided stomps. The longer queues aren’t worth it, bring them back down to 5-10 minutes please.


Low player participation… The Real Money premade boosters gotta wait till enough queue up to form a team to farm.

They need YOU the player to queue up, they transfer your rating to their customer, witch pays them cash…

Boosters over farmed and ran off their player base, the parasite killed the host.

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Put it back the way it was. Sometimes a lower rank will be in with higher ranks and vice versa but it all should come out even in the end over time and the wait times will be much shorter.

I love how disingenuous the title is.

All in quotes and everything. Like it was actually stated.

Yet when an actual quote is taken…

Some adjustments have been made to prioritize higher quality matches with minimal impact on queue times

I remember being able to log in, queue and be in a blitz within 5 mins. Now queue times for DPS are 15 mins minimum. They tried to fix a problem and made it worse, this will kill the game, nobody wants to wait half and hour to play especially a new player coming from a different game.


I haven’t seen a queue over 12m on any of my toons ( 1600-2600 MMR games ), most seem to be ~8m.

5 min queues right now. Pretty nice.