"Queue times will not be affected"

Mine just popped on one of my 1600 DPS alts at ~11 minutes.

It’s not just the adjustments they made that has impacted the queue times but it’s also the fact that the season is half way done. Queues always get longer into the season and they get worse every season after the first one.

I usually play between 8-10pm est and get like 20 min queues at 1600 mmr

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I’ve noted an increase in queue time but much less issues with players declining the queue.

I’ve also won the majority of my games since the patch which makes me think they have done something to address queue syncing.

Hard to say but the increased queue times do suck.

However queueing into 3-4 warriors as an afflic lock was absolutely terrible so if this is the compromise that had to be made…